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Ukraine in a “bad” dilemma – correspondent reports on deliberations “behind closed doors”

2/22/2024, 4:23:01 PM

Highlights: Ukraine in a “bad” dilemma – correspondent reports on deliberations “behind closed doors”. “You can’t win a war with pessimism,” said guest at “Markus Lanz’s” meeting. ‘The situation is very dramatic,’ said ZDF foreign correspondent Katrin Eigendorf. Many Ukrainians live in fear and poverty due to lack of success in the Ukraine war. Ukraine is already considering giving up territory to Russia.

As of: February 22, 2024, 5:04 p.m

By: Helmi Krappitz




ZDF correspondent reports on “Markus Lanz” about the “moral consequences” of the Russian conquest of the Ukrainian city of Avdiivka.

Hamburg – The war in Ukraine has now been going on for two years, two years full of losses for Ukrainian and Russian armed forces.

An end to the war of aggression is far from being in sight.

In the ZDF program “Markus Lanz” on Tuesday (February 20th) it became clear: Russia’s latest successes are having an impact on the attitudes of the Ukrainian population.

“Moral consequences”: Russia’s capture of Avdiivka is a major blow to Ukraine

The Russian conquest of the eastern Ukrainian city of Avdiivka has left Ukraine in a precarious position, with its back against the wall.

The city is an “important bridgehead for the east of Ukraine,” explained ZDF correspondent Katrin Eigendorf, who joined in from Kiev.

The withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from the city has particularly “moral consequences” – “it is very bitter for the Ukrainians,” she added.

Although Russia suffered heavy losses in the conquest of Avdiivka, the Russian armed forces continue to be superior to Ukraine in terms of resources.

According to the journalist, it is difficult for Ukraine to counter this: “There is a lack of soldiers, there is also a lack of ammunition in many areas of the army, there is a lack of equipment.

And Ukraine is really in a really, really bad dilemma.”

Lack of success in the Ukraine war has “moral consequences,” says foreign correspondent Katrin EIgendorf.

© Screenshot ZDF “Markus Lanz”

“The situation is dramatic”: Many Ukrainians live in fear and poverty

Eigendorf goes on to say that Ukraine began to resign and no longer believed in success in the counteroffensive or even in defense.

The war ultimately had a major impact on the way of life of the locals.

More and more people are becoming impoverished and no longer have a livelihood, especially in the east of the country.

“The situation is very dramatic,” said Eigendorf.

“People have been living in a terrorist situation for two years – always in fear of being attacked again.”

“No clear recipes”: Zelensky’s popularity is declining due to a lack of success

The constant air alert would also “wear down” the people in Kiev. The security situation has deteriorated even further due to the use of drones.

The Ukrainians have been stuck in a hopeless situation for too long.

“There are no resounding successes in this war, and the government has no clear recipes either,” explained the foreign correspondent.

The result: “Zelenskyj’s trust and popularity has decreased,” said Eigendorf.

Ukraine is now experiencing an open power struggle between the opposition, the military leadership and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

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“Behind closed doors”: Ukraine is already considering giving up territory

In the meantime, the image of the “united country” would begin to “crumble,” said Eigendorf.

“Behind closed doors” people are already thinking about ceding Ukrainian territories to Russia.

“I don't see that Ukraine here is so confident that it can win this war so soon.

I honestly don’t see any signs on the ground that this is happening,” she added.

“Goal to be achieved”: Military expert contradicts Eigendorf and calls for further support for Ukraine

But not all guests at “Markus Lanz” agreed with these assessments.

“You can’t win a war with pessimism,” said political scientist Florence Gaub.

It is counterproductive to look pessimistically at Ukraine, after all, war will always be “terrible” and cause “a lot of suffering.”

“For every dead Ukrainian, there are seven dead Russians.

“I wouldn’t say that it looks like Russia is completely mowing through,” emphasized the military expert.

It is important to continue to support Ukraine “in order to ultimately achieve the goal.”


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