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“CNews respects pluralism more than France Inter”: Amine El Khatmi defends the Canal+ group’s news channel

2/23/2024, 5:43:19 PM

Highlights: “CNews respects pluralism more than France Inter”: Amine El Khatmi defends the Canal+ group’s news channel. The former president of the Republican Spring addressed the issue of diversity of opinions on the CNews channel. “Explain to me where the diversity is in that!” he exclaims, before exclaiming: “She was contaminated by the C news virus” Hapsatou Sy charges her former colleague Laurence Ferrari.

INTERVIEW - Guest of “Buzz TV” this Friday, February 23, the columnist spoke of his disappointment caused by Emmanuel Macron and the diversity of opinions on television.

Cynicism, excesses and betrayals


This is the title of the work in which Amine El Khatmi gives his view on Emmanuel Macron's latest campaign.

The CNews and Sud Radio columnist was among those who supported the head of state during his race for a second term.

A time in his political life that he describes as “

a divorce


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I read stories in the press that did not seem consistent with what I experienced

,” recalls the person concerned, before explaining why he wrote this work.

I had to give my version of this divorce between the Republican left and the candidate we supported, Emmanuel Macron

,” says the columnist, who was then president of the Republican Spring, a political movement founded in 2016.

Also read: Amine El Khatmi: “By allying with the Rebels, the Socialist Party would betray universalism”

Amine El Khatmi also mentioned the word “betrayal”, which appears in large black letters on the cover of his book.

According to him, the support he gave to Emmanuel Macron during the second presidential election was based in part on the promise of an investiture in the legislative elections.

According to him, this commitment was not respected.

“This kind of contempt and lack of consideration for people, we really have the impression that it is a common thread in Emmanuel Macron

,” confides the former member of the Socialist Party.

It says something about the character.”

Pluralism on TV

The former president of the Republican Spring addressed the issue of diversity of opinions on the CNews channel.

“There are more than on France Inter, more than on the public service

,” says Amine El Khatmi.

He cites as an example a recent interview between Nicolas Demorand and Thomas Legrand on France Inter.

“A former


is questioned by a former

Libération ,

he raises, before exclaiming:

“Explain to me where the diversity is in that!”

Also read “She was contaminated by the CNews virus”: Hapsatou Sy charges her former colleague Laurence Ferrari

Amine El Khatmi, columnist from the Socialist Party, sees no problem with the presence of far-right speakers on the channel of the Canal+ group:

“In the name of what would they not have not allowed to be there?”