The Limited Times

Pablo Marchetti's harsh complaint against his ex-partner Victoria Donda: he said that she hasn't let him see his daughter for three years

2/23/2024, 9:21:50 PM

Highlights: Pablo Marchetti published a harsh complaint against his ex-wife Victoria Donda. The writer and musician spoke of a "kidnapping" of the girl. "I live under threats of false complaints," he said through his social networks. He assured that the case is already in court. Donda was appointed to head INADI in December 2019, at the beginning of Alberto Fernández's government. In December 2022 she left the position amid conflicts with the Casa Rosada.

The writer and musician questioned the former head of INADI and spoke of a "kidnapping" of the girl. "I live under threats of false complaints," he said through his social networks. He assured that the case is already in court.

The writer

Pablo Marchetti

published a harsh complaint against

Victoria Donda

, his ex-wife.

The founder of Barcelona magazine assured that for three years the former head of INADI

has not let him see the daughter they had together

, Trilce.

"I live under threats of false accusations while she accumulates positions and power," Marchetti accused.

The journalist aired the situation this Friday on social networks, commenting on a publication about the closure of INADI.

"It has been almost three years since Trilce's mother, my youngest daughter, has not let me see Trilce. Nor does she let Trilce see her sister, her brother, her uncle, or her cousins.

That person was the intervener of the INADI for two years,"

wrote Marchetti, who at no time mentioned Donda by name.

According to the writer's story, the case is already in court and he lives under

threats of "false complaints."

"For three years I have been living under threats of false accusations

while she accumulated positions and power.

And justifying the kidnapping of a minor based on a fictional text is like justifying rape based on the length of a skirt," Marchetti said.

Pablo Marchetti denounced that Victoria Donda does not let him see his daughter.

The mention of the "fictional text" is because the artist was harshly criticized when he published the poem "Sense Incest", in which he describes a situation of incest and child sexual abuse.

Finally, and in the face of numerous questions about that text that was disseminated in December 2018, Marchetti questioned the users and tried to balance the crack.

Pablo Marchetti and Victoria Donda with their daughter at an event in front of Congress.

Photo Marcelo Carroll archive

"I am very used to receiving this type of comments from libertarian trolls. What catches my attention is the number of people 'on this side' who eat the curve. Don't count on me to have hope," said the writer.

Marchetti and Donda got married in 2011. They married in November 2013. Their daughter Trilce was born a year later.

In 2018 they could be seen together at a demonstration in favor of the legalization of abortion.

But the following year they separated.

Pablo Marchetti denounced that Victoria Donda does not let him see his daughter.

Donda was appointed to head INADI in December 2019, at the beginning of Alberto Fernández's government.

During her work at the head of the organization, a personal domestic employee filed a labor lawsuit against her for keeping her in the black for 10 years.

In December 2022 she left the position amid conflicts with the Casa Rosada.

Since last December she has been a Mercosur parliamentarian.

Marchetti also has two children from a previous marriage, with the cartoonist Mariana Pellegrini.