The Limited Times

War in Ukraine: after two years of war, is Russia regaining the advantage?

2/23/2024, 1:14:00 PM

Highlights: On February 24, 2022, Russian tanks crossed the border, encountering fierce Ukrainian resistance. Since then, the Russians have slowly regained the initiative along the 1,000 kilometers of front. In the South, the failed Ukrainian counter-offensive this summer did not change the situation, quite the contrary. With supporting maps, Le Figaro returns in video to the current dynamics of the conflict, two years after the outbreak of the Russian invasion. The conflict, which has become a long war of attrition, is not evolving.

VIDEO – On February 24, 2022, Russian tanks crossed the border, encountering fierce Ukrainian resistance. But the Russians are once again showing their confidence. With supporting maps, Le Figaro looks back on the latest developments on the front.

Two years ago, on February 24, 2022, columns of Russian armored vehicles and tanks crossed the Ukrainian borders in the North, South and East and headed towards kyiv, Kharkiv or Odessa.

However, after a few weeks, the Russians had to partially retreat in the face of fierce Ukrainian resistance, which surprised even the West.

In the fall of 2022, kyiv even succeeded in two counter-offensives, in Kharkiv and Kherson.

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Since then, however, the Russians have slowly regained the initiative along the 1,000 kilometers of front which forms a land corridor between the isolated Crimea and the Donbass, linked to Russia.

In the South, the failed Ukrainian counter-offensive this summer did not change the situation, quite the contrary.

At the start of 2024, the Russians, who have just won the long battle of Avdiivka, are once again singing a speech of victory, both to re-motivate their troops and to shake opinions in the Western camp.

For a year and a half, however, the front line appears largely stable.

In this country of 600,000 km2 larger than mainland France, the changes relate to the thickness of the line on the conflict map.

But this relative fixity of positions does not mean that the conflict, which has become a long war of attrition, is not evolving.

With supporting maps,

Le Figaro

returns in video to the current dynamics of the conflict, two years after the outbreak of the Russian invasion.

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