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'Piantedosi resign', the mobilization of students in Rome - News

2/25/2024, 7:32:22 PM

Highlights: 'Piantedosi resign', the mobilization of students in Rome - News. Anpi, CGIL, UDU and politicians. 'Enough truncheons', the cry of students also in Venice (ANSA) 'No more trunchetons on students': this is the slogan lowered from the Rialto bridge in Venice, by the Middle Students Network of Padua and by Udu Venezia, Verona and Padua. "We want culture, you give us violence": these are some of the signs displayed by the kids.

A few meters from the Viminale. Also Anpi, CGIL, UDU and politicians. 'Enough truncheons', the cry of students also in Venice (ANSA)

"Against your truncheon beatings. Resign if you cry": we read on the banner displayed in Piazza Beniamino Gigli in Rome, in front of the Opera Theater and a few meters from the Interior Ministry, for the demonstration promoted by the Network of middle school students of Lazio "against your truncheon beatings and the management of Piantedosi. For a democratic state that respects the right to demonstrate".

The song "Casa mia" by Ghali plays on the speakers.

The students, at least a hundred, wave flags of peace and Palestine.

    Not only them, in addition to the University Union, the La Sapienza collectives and even some schools in the capital, exponents of Anpi Roma, Arci Roma and CGIL Roma Lazio also join the mobilization.

The sit in was born after the events in Pisa, Florence and Catania which involved male and female students.

    Also present was MP Nicola Zingaretti.

"You have blood on your hands", "Censorship plus truncheons equals fascism", "We want culture, you give us violence", "Poor homeland, crushed by the abuses of power": these are some of the signs displayed by the kids. 

'Enough truncheons', the cry of students in Venice

"No more truncheons on students": this is the slogan lowered from the Rialto bridge in Venice, by the Middle Students Network of Padua and by Udu Venezia, Verona and Padua to express their dissent regarding the episodes of "unheard of violence" against students , which occurred in Pisa in recent days by the police.

"The constant repression against students is unacceptable" declares Marco Dario, Udu Venezia, "we are here to reiterate our right to demonstrate".

"We cannot limit ourselves to saying that there is violence within the Police, at the base there is also a political mandate, of directives that aim to shut people's mouths" comments Marco Nimis of the Network.

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