The Limited Times

Large area of ​​forest cleared near Kinsau: This is what lies behind the extensive felling operation

2/26/2024, 8:13:41 PM

Highlights: Large area of ​​forest cleared near Kinsau: This is what lies behind the extensive felling operation.. As of: February 26, 2024, 9:00 p.m By: Theresa Kuchler CommentsPressSplit Many trees recently fell on a forest property next to the B 17 in Kins Pau. The tree felling work was carried out at the end of February, before bird protection begins. The clearing of the 10,000 square meter forest has only now been implemented, 35 years later, due to the waste paper sorting plans.

As of: February 26, 2024, 9:00 p.m

By: Theresa Kuchler




Many trees recently fell on a forest property next to the B 17 in Kinsau.

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Numerous trees recently fell in a forest area belonging to the Kinsau waste paper sorting facility.

What's behind the action.

Kinsau – Because of the “size of the area and the associated interference with nature,” a reader contacted the Heimtzeitung and was surprised about the massive clearing next to the B 17.

As Wolfgang Hentschke from the Reichling administrative community explains when asked, such an intervention actually “requires approval”: the Office for Food, Agriculture and Forestry would normally have to approve the clearing.

“Sometimes clearing doesn’t require permission,” explains the VG office manager.

For example, if the development plan already provides for this step.

This exception applies here.

In the Kinsau development plan “Special Fiber Area”, which the municipality drew up in 1989, a clearing of the forest is shown.

Felling work before bird protection begins

This is confirmed by Marc Koch, head of the forestry department at the responsible office in Fürstenfeldbruck.

“The clearing permit has been dealt with and included in the legally binding development plan 'Special Area Fiber Kinsau'.

“There is therefore no need for any further or special clearance approval,” Koch tells our newspaper.

In addition, a replacement forest has already been planted as part of the development planning.

The fact that the clearing of the 10,000 square meter forest has only now been implemented, 35 years later, is due to the waste paper sorting plans.

As managing director Matthias Fisel states, there are plans to expand the company soon.

The tree felling work was carried out at the end of February, before bird protection begins.

By the way: Everything from the region is now also available in our regular Schongau newsletter.