The Limited Times

The municipality of Bad Wiessee is toying with lake thermal energy - and is examining options

2/27/2024, 6:15:19 AM

Highlights: The municipality of Bad Wiessee is toying with lake thermal energy - and is examining options. The Strüngmann company would like to generate heat and cold for the new Seegut hotel complex. In Switzerland energy production from seawater is already common practice. It would be a first in this country - the investor is still waiting for final approval from the authorities. The Green Group is convinced that there is a lot of potential in the “thermal use of lake water”

As of: February 27, 2024, 7:00 a.m

By: Gabi Werner




Lake Tegernsee as an energy supplier: The Athos company would like to take advantage of its potential - here in the foreground is the construction site for the Hotel Seegut.

© Thomas Plettenberg

Can Tegernsee be used as an energy source for the community of Bad Wiessee?

That's exactly what the municipality wants to find out.

The local council approved a proposal from the Greens to examine the potential of so-called lake thermal energy.

Bad Wiessee

– Lake Tegernsee as an energy supplier.

It was the Athos company that brought the innovative energy concept to the public for the first time just over a year ago.

In this way, the Strüngmann company would like to generate heat and cold for the new Seegut hotel complex in Bad Wiessee.

For example, while in Switzerland energy production from seawater is already common practice, it would be a first in this country - the investor is still waiting for final approval from the authorities.

The Green Group is convinced: Sea thermal energy is sustainable

The local group of the Greens is also convinced that there is a lot of potential in the “thermal use of lake water”.

The local councilors Karl Schönbauer and Johannes von Miller therefore formulated a proposal at the most recent local council meeting.

As an “answer to climate change,” sea thermal energy must be “granted future viability,” it says.

In the process, the electrical energy used to drive a heat pump delivers around three to four times the amount of usable heat energy, Schönbauer explained at the meeting.

And: “Due to the fortunate circumstance of having a lake here, the added value remains in the region.”

Green councilor Karl Schönbauer © Thomas Plettenberg

For sea thermal energy, pipes have to be sunk into Lake Tegernsee

Athos explained the underlying technology at a press conference at the time.

Accordingly, pipes must be laid in the lake at a depth of around 30 meters.

The lake water is taken via a suction system, fed through the pipes to a heat pump, converted into heat or cold and then pumped back into the lake.

The Greens have now requested that an analysis be commissioned in order to find a suitable concept for the community.

An expert should be invited to talk about possible potential, costs and implementation strategies.

Proposal to use lake thermal energy is well received by the local council

The idea was well received.

The municipalities would have to deal with heat planning anyway - “in principle, the application is therefore a must,” said CSU spokesman Florian Sareiter.

However, he suggested that the issue of sea thermal energy be addressed across the valley.

“The lake belongs to everyone,” said Sareiter.

All valley locations must have an interest in having such an energy concept examined.

Vice Mayor Birgit Trinkl also said on behalf of her FWG parliamentary group: “We welcome the proposal.” For her, it is not important whether the other valley communities go along with it or not.

“We should move forward here,” demanded Trinkl, who also saw a lot of potential in lake warmth.

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Von Miller: “End the energy policy slumber”

Johannes von Miller admitted that the topic of local heating networks is not new, what is exciting is the further development.

The Strüngmann project led to the idea of ​​lake thermal energy. Now it is important to clarify whether this energy production can be implemented on the local lakes.

Miller also pushed for rapid implementation: “We have to come out of our energy policy slumber.”

Rolf Neresheimer (Bad Wiessee Citizens List) emphasized that the infrastructure costs for such an energy concept are enormous.

He therefore suggested cooperating with both the Seegut investor and the Rock Capital Group as the owner of the Hotel Seegarten.

Neresheimer knew that the latter also wanted to use the heat from the lake.

“You don’t have to lay pipes in the lake three times,” he said, referring to the high investment volume.

Mayor Kühn wants to make the energy concept an issue throughout the valley

The local council ultimately voted unanimously for the proposal from the two Green councilors to commission an analysis on lake thermal energy and to invite a speaker from an independent engineering or planning office “with proven expertise”.

Mayor Robert Kühn (SPD) also promised to “take the topic into the next mayoral meeting”.
