The Limited Times

They confirm the cause of death of the young man from Vélez who had been hospitalized last week

2/28/2024, 5:03:51 PM

Highlights: Yair Rodriguez Pereyra, 14, from Vélez, died from sepsis, not dengue. The infection invades the bloodstream and affects the entire body. Yair was from Córdoba, born in Río Cuarto, and had arrived in Vélez in 2019. He had settled in Buenos Aires with his entire family and was about to turn 15 years old. The death was confirmed by the Liniers club, which was shocked by the news.

Although it was thought that he had dengue, it was ruled out by clinical tests. He was 14 years old.

The 14-year-old soccer player, who played in the Vélez youth team and died this Tuesday morning, died due to sepsis due to staphylococcus and not dengue, as was initially reported.

According to official information, the dengue test was negative.

They also explained that the infection that led to his death invades the bloodstream and

affects the entire body.

This infection, called


can cause septic shock.

This is a life-threatening event when blood pressure drops to an extremely low level.

The death was confirmed by the Liniers club, which was shocked by the news.

"Amateur Football and the entire Institution are in mourning. Today at 8 in the morning,

Yair Rodriguez Pereyra (02-28-2009)

, defender of the Eighth Division, died after suffering from a severe infectious disease, which He was admitted to the Santa Isabel Sanatorium," the club reported.

Yair was from Córdoba, born in Río Cuarto, and had arrived in Vélez in 2019. He had settled in Buenos Aires with his entire family.

He was about to turn 15 years old.

"From the institution we send our deepest condolences to Yair's family and friends for this painful news, which mourns not only La Fábrica but all of Vélez and the world of football in general," the club posted on its social networks.

Ariel Zárate, technical director of Yael in Vélez, had said that on Thursday the boy had had minor pain in his adductor during practice.

"On Friday, from what her mother told me, she began to have signs of weakness and vomiting that set off alarm bells.

She took him to the clinic and they left him hospitalized."

News in development
