The Limited Times

De Nora supplies the electrolyser for sustainable steel - Energia & Energie

2/29/2024, 10:14:30 AM

Highlights: De Nora supplies the electrolyser for sustainable steel - Energia & Energie. The system is in its first use and will have a capacity of 1Mw. The Dragonfly system will make it possible to reduce the impact in the heat treatment and heating phases for steel production, currently based exclusively on natural gas. The HyTecHeat project is an initiative that is part of the Horizon Europe program, and is financed by the European Union with approximately 3.3 million.

De Nora supplies the latest generation Dragonfly electrolyser to the European 'HyTecHeat' project for the production of sustainable steel with green hydrogen. (HANDLE)

De Nora supplies the latest generation Dragonfly electrolyser to the European 'HyTecHeat' project for the production of sustainable steel with green hydrogen.

The group announces this, underlining that the system is in its first use and will have a capacity of 1Mw.

    The HyTecHeat (Hybrid Technologies for sustainablesteel reHeating) project is an initiative that is part of the Horizon Europe program, and is financed by the European Union with approximately 3.3 million.

The Dragonfly system will make it possible to reduce the impact in the heat treatment and heating phases for steel production, currently based exclusively on natural gas, increasing the percentage of hydrogen with low CO2 emissions with a view to "increasingly virtuous hybridization of the two resources", he explains De Nora.

Dragonfly, which uses the high efficiency Dsa electrodes developed by De Nora, is able to meet the needs of different sectors that require the generation of hydrogen on site, such as the chemical, pharmaceutical, biogas, oleochemical and refinery sectors, thanks also to its small dimensions and designed to be installed at the end customer's facility.

The system has been tested at an industrial site for more than a year and in this particular case Tenova, the project partner, will host it with the support of Snam, which will supervise the hydrogen storage system.

    "The launch of this solution on the market - explains CEO Paolo Dellachà - is the tangible result of the important investments in research and development, key to maintaining the positioning of the company at the forefront in the sectors covered".

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