The Limited Times

Snow and ice: Loire and Haute-Loire placed on orange snow-ice alert on Sunday

3/2/2024, 6:55:22 AM

Highlights: Loire and Haute-Loire placed on orange snow-ice alert on Sunday. This orange vigilance will extend from Sunday 6 a.m. to Sunday noon. More than 20 cm of snow is expected from 1,000 m. Rain in Île-de-France this Saturday, showers throughout the day in Normandy, Brittany, Center-Val de Loire and Pays de la Loire. In the afternoon, south of a line going from Thiérache, in the North, to the Gironde estuary, the sky will be overcast.

This orange vigilance will extend from Sunday 6 a.m. to Sunday noon, indicates Météo France. More than 20 cm of snow is expected from

Be careful in Loire and Haute-Loire.

These two departments in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region will be placed on orange snow-ice alert from this Sunday at 6 a.m., indicates Météo France.

“The snow episode gives significant quantities from the first heights.

Snow on the plains, and its hold, are possible but still uncertain.

The impact on the road network could be significant given the intensities,” explains Météo France.

The end of orange vigilance is currently set for Sunday 12 p.m.

🔶 2 departments in Orange (

— VigiMétéoFrance (@VigiMeteoFrance) March 2, 2024

In detail, this “major snow episode” will begin “from the night of Saturday to Sunday in Auvergne”.

“We expect snow at low altitude giving significant quantities above 500 to 600 m, of the order of 5 to 10 cm.

On the relief, the quantities will be significant, with more than 20 cm from 1,000 m.

It is possible to have snow from the plain,” specifies the meteorological organization.

In a situation update dating from this Friday 3 p.m., Météo France indicated that “20 to 30 cm” of snow was expected in Saint-Étienne (Loire) “above 500 m” in altitude between Saturday evening and Sunday evening .

Over the same period, 10 to 20 cm of snow are expected in Valence (Drôme) and 5 to 10 cm in Grenoble (Isère), two of the departments placed on snow-ice yellow vigilance.

Likewise, “50 to 80 cm” of snow is expected to fall on the border Alps.

Rain in Île-de-France this Saturday

This Saturday, showers will occur throughout the day in Hauts-de-France, Île-de-France, Normandy, Brittany, Center-Val de Loire and Pays de la Loire.

These showers will be more frequent, sometimes stormy from the Bay of Seine to the Gulf of Morbihan, specifies Météo France.

Until midday, beautiful clearings will occur from the north of the Alps towards the Paca region, Languedoc-Roussillon and Corsica.

Between these two zones, the sky will be overcast and rainy, precipitation will be ever more intense from Limousin to Aquitaine.

It will snow in the Pyrenees from 1,200 to 1,400 m.

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In the afternoon, south of a line going from Thiérache, in the North, to the Gironde estuary, the sky will be overcast and gray.

It will rain in most regions, continuous but weak rains, more sustained from Berry towards Périgord, the Landes, sometimes stormy towards Gascony, Champagne and Burgundy.

The rain-snow limit will be around 1,400 m in the Alps and 1,300 m in the Massif Central.

At the end of the afternoon and evening, rainy periods will return to Paca and could take on a stormy character near the coast.

In the evening and the first part of the night from Saturday to Sunday, the rain-snow limit will drop quickly and a notable snowy episode will be expected over the west of the Massif Central and the Pyrenees from 500 m.