The Limited Times

With three important care tips, the Easter cactus forms a sea of ​​flowers

3/5/2024, 9:18:12 AM

Highlights: With three important care tips, the Easter cactus forms a sea of ​​flowers. Fertilize once a month during the growing season from February to October. Give the cactus a rest period in winter from November onwards, during which you no longer fertilize it. reduce the room temperature to 10 to 15 degrees Celsius (by moving it to a cooler place). The Christmas cactus should be left there in complete darkness for at least 12 to 14 hours a day for several weeks.

As of: March 5, 2024, 10:00 a.m

By: Ines Alms




You don't need a green thumb to care for the Easter cactus.

To ensure that the tropical plant blooms profusely in spring, special treatment is helpful.

The Easter cactus (Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri) is named for the season in which it blooms.

Between March and May, the houseplant produces a sea of ​​white, orange, pink or red flowers - at least if it is well cared for.

If treated poorly, the Easter cactus can even stop blooming altogether.

Year-round care for the Easter cactus

The Easter cactus (Hatiora rosea) begins to bloom around March.

© Pond5 Images/Imago

The Easter cactus differs from the Christmas cactus in a different flowering period and smooth, rounded leaves.

Both genera are succulents and only differ slightly in terms of care.

The Easter cactus feels particularly comfortable in the following ways:

  • Place your Easter cactus in a spot with dim sunlight or bright, indirect light.

  • It needs well-drained soil and a pot with a drainage hole.

  • The plant is allowed to dry out completely between waterings and is then watered thoroughly again; the excess water must be removed.

    Waterlogging is taboo.

  • Ideally, the humidity in the area around the Easter cactus should be high, for example with the help of a pebble bowl.

  • Fertilize once a month during the growing season from February to October.

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Special care for lush blooms

Apart from caring for the Easter cactus all year round, the following three tips are very important so that the plant produces numerous flowers:

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  • Rest period: Give the cactus a rest period in winter from November onwards, during which you no longer fertilize it, water it even less and reduce the room temperature to 10 to 15 degrees Celsius (by moving it to a cooler place).

    The Christmas cactus should be left there in complete darkness for at least 12 to 14 hours a day for several weeks.

  • Break dormancy: As soon as flower buds have formed, place the plant in spring at normal room temperature in a bright, draft-free window with plenty of daylight.

    The flowers should open within a few weeks.

  • Remove spent flowers: If you pinch off the spent flowers, the plant's flowering time will be extended and more flowers will form.

    After flowering, there is another six-week rest period in which little watering and no fertilization is carried out.

  • Does your Easter cactus already have numerous buds?

    Then definitely avoid changing the location, otherwise the plant may drop all of its flowers.

    After flowering, the Easter cactus can be moved outside to a partially shaded or slightly sunny place in the warm season until autumn.