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Aerolíneas Argentinas opened a voluntary retirement process for 8 thousand employees


Highlights: Aerolíneas Argentinas opened a voluntary retirement process for 8 thousand employees. It is for ground personnel with more than 2 years of seniority. The company indicated to its employees, those who want to access the withdrawal can sign up on a list until March 31. The withdrawal will be paid in a monthly payment plan equivalent to 50% of the seniority in years, at the time of signing, the company said in an internal communication note to its almost 12,000 employees.

It is for ground personnel with more than 2 years of seniority.

Aerolíneas Argentinas opened this Friday a

voluntary retirement


for ground personnel with more than 2 years of service, which reaches about 8 thousand employees of the flag line.

As the company indicated to its employees, those who want to access the withdrawal can sign up on a list until March 31.

Clarín learned that Aerolíneas sent

an internal communication note to its almost 12,000 employees

with the details to enter the "Rewarded Retirement Plan."

In this note, he indicated that ground, operational or administrative staff

, who have been in the company for more than 2 years and who are not within the Pre-Retirement Agreement Plan,

will be able to access the retirement .

He also specified that the withdrawal will be paid in

a monthly payment plan

equivalent to 50% of the seniority in years, at the time of signing.

"For example, if it is 20 years old, the entire amount will be paid in 10 monthly payments," he stated in the note he sent to his employees.

At this point, the line specified that "these payments will be adjusted according to the equal salary increases agreed with the company" and "if the agreement advances, the departure date must be validated by the corresponding management."

News in development

Source: clarin

All business articles on 2024-03-01

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