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Anger of farmers: a demonstration in progress on the A13 towards Paris


Highlights: A demonstration is underway on the A13 motorway, towards Paris. Traffic is difficult between Vaucresson and Porte d'Auteuil, for approximately 7 km. Around a hundred farmers gathered around the Arc de Triomphe. Road blockages have been lifted in the country since the beginning of February, and farmers largely took a break during “their” trade show in Paris. But Friday's actions illustrate the capacity for initiative of the grassroots of the agricultural movement.

A demonstration is underway on the A13, towards Paris. Traffic is difficult between Vaucresson and Porte d'Auteuil.

According to information from the Sytadin website, a demonstration is underway on the A13 motorway, towards Paris.

Traffic is difficult between Vaucresson (Hauts-de-Seine) and Porte d'Auteuil, for approximately 7 km.

According to our information, it is the farmers present since the morning in Versailles who have decided to join the Agricultural Show, Porte de Versailles.

“There are tractors on the A13 towards Paris,” says an Internet user on X, with supporting video.

Sytadin mentioned a travel time on the axis of 29 minutes (at 6:42 p.m.) then 19 minutes (at 6:46 p.m.) instead of 8 minutes in normal times.

— herve (@VsHerve) March 1, 2024

This Friday, March 1, farmers from Rural Coordination carried out a blocking operation on Place de l'Étoile, in Paris.

Around 4 a.m., around a hundred farmers gathered around the Arc de Triomphe.


“It’s atypical!

»: farmers park their tractors in front of the Palace of Versailles, under the eyes of tourists

After the hectic visit of the Head of State on Saturday, followed by announcements on floor prices and cash flow aid, the unions have a meeting with Emmanuel Macron in mid-March, before the presentation of a major law agricultural orientation in spring.

Road blockages have been lifted in the country since the beginning of February, and farmers largely took a break during “their” trade show in Paris.

But Friday's actions illustrate the capacity for initiative of the grassroots of the agricultural movement.

Source: leparis

All business articles on 2024-03-01

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