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At the Agricultural Show, environmentalists wander around in indifference


Highlights: At the Agricultural Show, environmentalists wander around in indifference. Not a single selfie, barely a few handshakes, but no hostility. Throughout their visit, they provoked narrowed looks. “I must say that we have had an excellent welcome. Because I know that there is the temptation to say there are the ecologists on one side, the farmers on the other, insists Marine Tondelier. There will never be ecology without farmers. When we are green, we cannot say we are going to choose the 3-4 farmers with whom we agree. »

This Friday, March 1, a delegation of EELV elected officials, led by the patron saint of environmentalists, Marine Tondelier, and the head of the European list

Not a single selfie, barely a few handshakes, but no hostility.

This Friday, March 1, the delegation of elected environmentalists present at the Agricultural Show in Paris wandered around in indifference.

Throughout their visit, they provoked narrowed looks.

“Who is the lady?”

», “Is she a minister?

Ah no,” “Who’s mom, who’s so important?”

» asked the visitors about the visit of Marine Tondelier, the national secretary of the Ecologists, of Marie Toussaint, her head of the European list, or even of Benoît Biteau, MEP and farmer.

Environmentalists, targeted by the government and some farmers since the start of the crisis, had come to declaim their message of love towards the agricultural world.

“I must say that we have had an excellent welcome.

Because I know that there is the temptation to say there are the ecologists on one side, the farmers on the other, insists Marine Tondelier, a stone's throw from the cow muse of the Salon, the Norman Oreillette.

There will never be ecology without farmers.

When we are green, we cannot say we are going to choose the 3-4 farmers with whom we agree.



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Source: leparis

All business articles on 2024-03-01

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