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Coca-Cola's plan to boost its sales in France


Highlights: Coca-Cola Europacific Partners (CCEP), the Coca-Cola bottler for Europe and Asia-Pacific, announced the closure of the group's historic factory in Clamart. The American soda giant is banking on promotions and wants to accelerate its transition to greener packaging. This is news that augurs a year full of projects for the American giant of sodas and soft drinks. “If we want to develop, we could not stay inClamart, where it is impossible to expand,” explains François Gay-Bellile, the boss of the French subsidiary of CCEP.

DECRYPTION - The American soda giant is banking on promotions and wants to accelerate its transition to greener packaging.

This is news that augurs a year full of projects for the American giant of sodas and soft drinks.

A few days ago, Coca-Cola Europacific Partners (CCEP), the Coca-Cola bottler for Europe and Asia-Pacific, announced the closure of the group's historic factory in France, in Clamart ( Hauts-de-Seine), to transfer activities to its other Ile-de-France site in Grigny (Essonne).

“If we want to develop, we could not stay in Clamart, where it is impossible to expand,”

explains François Gay-Bellile, the boss of the French subsidiary of CCEP.

After an initial investment of 114 million euros in Grigny, we plan to invest an additional 32 million there to make it a center of excellence, particularly in circular packaging.

We will have both an automated warehouse and a new returnable glass line for our carbonated and non-carbonated drinks.”

Also read The secrets of Coca-Cola’s astonishing resistance to the crisis

While the group has multiplied in recent years…

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Source: lefigaro

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