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European automotive suppliers looking for growth look to Asia


Highlights: Valeo, Forvia, Plastic Omnium, Michelin and all European automotive suppliers are preparing for a new year of change. Weak growth in Europe, technological transition, rise in power of Chinese players… Not everyone anticipated the scale of this revolution in the same way. “With the in-depth transformation of cars (electrification, autonomy, etc.), there will be a redistribution of roles between the winners and the losers,” estimates Christophe Périllat, general manager of Valeo.

DECRYPTION – They are banking on BYD, Tesla and new technologies. Many are reducing their workforce in Europe.

Valeo, Forvia, Plastic Omnium, Michelin and all European automotive suppliers are preparing for a new year of change.

Weak growth in Europe, technological transition, rise in power of Chinese players… Not everyone anticipated the scale of this revolution in the same way.

“With the in-depth transformation of cars (electrification, autonomy, etc.), there will be a redistribution of roles between the winners and the losers

,” estimates Christophe Périllat, general manager of Valeo.

While over the past decade, manufacturers fought to restore their margins and restructure, this time, it is the equipment manufacturers who are on the front line and are announcing savings plans in a flurry.

Across the Rhine, giants like Continental, Bosch, ZF will cut thousands of jobs.

Some factories will close.

French sites are not spared.

The 1,500 French employees of the German Schaeffler, including the Haguenau and Chevilly factories…

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Source: lefigaro

All business articles on 2024-03-01

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