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Sale of “mystery” packages: but where do all these lost packages come from?


Highlights: Sale of “mystery” packages: but where do all these lost packages come from?. On the videos circulating on TikTok, we can sometimes see the recipient's label, stuck next to the carrier's name. “These packages absolutely do not come from us,” assure several major players in the transport sector. At La Poste, we no longer know how to react. Faced with the craze for mystery packages, individuals even call sorting centers to come and buy lost pallets.

For several months, ephemeral sales of surprise packages, generally sold by weight, have been increasing. The carriers assure not

Thousands of packages piled up in bins await the barge.

On the videos circulating on TikTok, we can sometimes see the recipient's label, stuck next to the carrier's name.

Where do they come from?

“These packages absolutely do not come from us,” assure several major players in the transport sector.

At La Poste, we no longer know how to react.

Faced with the craze for mystery packages, individuals even call sorting centers to come and buy lost pallets.

“La Poste does not own the parcels it delivers and does not resell any of them.

When the recipient customers no longer live at the address indicated, the packages are refused or not collected at the agency, they are flashed and returned to the sending customers

(individual, e-retailer, etc.)


The use of the term

lost parcel

is an abuse of language,” we are told.


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Source: leparis

All business articles on 2024-03-01

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