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The madness of “surprise packages”: a real good plan or a false good idea?


Highlights: Sales of mystery packages have been increasing in France. The key is the promise of good deals... or the possibility of reselling these new products if they don't like them. The concept has been on the rise since the Agec (anti-waste) law of 2022, which prohibits platforms from destroying unsold products, except food. The idea of “surprise packages”: a real good plan or a false good idea?. For several months, ephemeral sales of ‘mystery packages’ have been increase.

For several months, ephemeral sales of mystery packages have been increasing. The key for the customer: promises of good deals. A

On social networks or in shopping malls, all over France, the scene is reproduced more and more: consumers unpacking their “mystery” packages, eager to discover what is hidden inside.

Headphones, clothing, sunglasses, plastic gadgets... packaged in packages of different sizes and purchased without knowing in advance what they contain.

The key is the promise of good deals... or the possibility of reselling these new products if they don't like them.

The concept has been on the rise since the Agec (anti-waste) law of 2022, which prohibits platforms from destroying unsold products, except food.

Goods not delivered by leading e-commerce sites, for example due to “NPAI” (Does not live at the address indicated) or returned by consumers, are bought by companies like Flamingo Box, which sells them in particular in its warehouse in Bois-Arnault (Eure) for cheap.


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Source: leparis

All business articles on 2024-03-01

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