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Transavia, EasyJet, Ryanair… Why airlines now charge for cabin baggage


Highlights: From April, Transavia will charge for the right to take baggage into the cabin. From April 3, only the "hand luggage" option will remain free. To put a larger bag or suitcase in the compartment above your seat, you will have to pay at least 15 euros, and respect the size and weight limits (55x35x25cm, and 10 kg). Otherwise, you'll have to paid the price of checked baggage. Subscribe Already subscribed? To log in, click here.

Saving time on the ground, increasing turnover, keeping ticket prices low... Several reasons explain the shift made by

Thrifty travelers, fans of free cabin baggage on planes, will review their strategy.

From April, the airline Transavia will charge for the right to take baggage into the cabin, the Air France-KLM group announced on Thursday.

From April 3, only the “hand luggage” option, i.e. a small bag to slide under your seat, will remain free.

To put a larger bag or suitcase in the compartment above your seat, you will have to pay at least 15 euros, and respect the size and weight limits (55x35x25cm, and 10 kg).

Otherwise, you will have to pay the price of checked baggage.


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Source: leparis

All business articles on 2024-03-01

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