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Agricultural crisis: the decree including this sector on the list of professions in tension published this Saturday


Highlights: Agricultural crisis: the decree including this sector on the list of professions in tension published this Saturday. “Four professional families” are entering this category, specifies the minister: employed farmers, employed breeders, employed market gardeners and horticulturists. This official name makes it possible to recruit “labor from outside the European Union by dispensing with the opposability of the employment situation” According to the original decree, published in 2021, in professions in shortage, a person who is not a national of the EU, a country of the European Economic Area or Switzerland can apply for a work authorization.

As Gabriel Attal had promised to try to respond to the crisis, the decree adding four professional families in the agricultural sector

The government is pleased to have “met its commitments”.

On his

“Four professional families” are entering this category, specifies the minister: employed farmers, employed breeders, employed market gardeners and horticulturists, employed wine growers and arboriculturists.

The Government is meeting its commitments.

The decree updating the list of professions in shortage has just been published.

Four professional families are now considered professions in tension throughout the metropolitan territory (farmers…

— Marc Fesneau (@MFesneau) March 2, 2024

According to the FNSEA, the leading agricultural union, “the sector is experiencing structural recruitment difficulties” with 14% of jobs unfilled in 2023, both permanent and seasonal, and an impact on farm activity.

A promise to respond to the discontent

To respond to this situation, and in the face of the discontent that has gripped the agricultural world in recent weeks, the Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, promised to place agricultural production in a “sector in tension” during a press conference. on February 21.

This will “greatly facilitate the allocation of visas” to bring foreign seasonal workers to French farms, he assured.

Also read “This Tuesday, the farmers did not hold up a ring to the Prime Minister”: between Macron and Attal, everyone has their own Salon

This official name makes it possible to recruit “labor from outside the European Union by dispensing with the opposability of the employment situation”, specifies Marc Fesneau on the social network X this Saturday.

According to the original decree, published in 2021, in professions in shortage, a person who is not a national of the EU, a country of the European Economic Area or Switzerland can apply for a work authorization regardless of “the employment situation or the absence of prior search for candidates already present on the labor market”.

Source: leparis

All business articles on 2024-03-02

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