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In Drancy, Carrefour’s “surprise trolleys”: “At this price, I’ll try my luck”


Highlights: The Carrefour group has adopted the concept, already tested by its competitor Auchan under the name “mystery trolley” Every Friday, around fifty hypermarkets will now offer their customers the chance to blind buy around ten trolleys. “There won’t be something for everyone,” warned Alexandre de Palmas. The operation allows the end of the “surprise trolley’s” mystifying price tag, he said.

Like the Auchan group, the brand offers its customers the chance to buy discounted items blindly. The operation allows the end of

Laurent received the SMS when he was already almost at the doors of the Carrefour hypermarket in Drancy (Seine-Saint-Denis), for the 8:30 a.m. opening this Friday.

“Your store offers you the surprise trolley for only 49.90 euros!

Come and enjoy it.

» “I'm a regular, I've been coming here for centuries,” slips this father of a little 8-year-old boy, a professional garbage collector with a solid build.

Like other early morning customers, he slipped into the appliance section.

There, next to a pyramid of discounted microwaves, ten trolleys lined with thick black plastic, duly numbered, are lined up.

The Carrefour group has adopted the concept, already tested by its competitor Auchan under the name “mystery trolley”.

The operation was launched recently by Alexandre de Palmas, executive director of Carrefour France, from Wasquehal (North), promising in a video on LinkedIn “a multitude of mysterious items” sold at a third of their initial price, and drawn from dormant stocks.

Every Friday, around fifty hypermarkets will now offer their customers the chance to blind buy around ten trolleys.

“There won’t be something for everyone,” warned Alexandre de Palmas.


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Source: leparis

All business articles on 2024-03-02

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