In addition to walking home, you will pay even more if your car is impounded.
Indeed, since Friday March 1, new prices have been included in a decree published in the Official Journal and are now applied in France.
In the current context of inflation, no sector is spared.
As we can see, the automobile sector is also affected by several price increases, whether for gasoline, car insurance or even impound prices.
Until yesterday, having your car removed on public roads for impounding cost €121.27 but since today it costs €127.65.
An increase of 5.2% which only concerns private cars.
Two wheels or heavy goods vehicles are not affected by this increase.
These new prices are valid for all cities in France, until now a difference was made between cities of more or less 40,000 inhabitants "in which more than 15,000 vehicles are removed annually, whose length of public roads exceeds 500 kilometers and whose number of parking spaces, free or paid, is greater than 15,000.”
In these large cities, the impoundment fee was €126 and now also rises to €127.65.
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Another increase for cars
This is not the only increase that was included in this decree.
Indeed, you will also have to spend a little more in your wallet in the event of daily custody of the vehicle at the pound.
The price increases, from this Friday, from €6.45 to €6.75, a slight increase but which can quickly add up if the car is kept for several days.
So to avoid all these additional costs, simply do not park anywhere, even less in prohibited spaces or in double lines.
These offenses represent the primary cause of impoundment but there are many others such as driving without a driving license, driving under the influence of alcohol, non-compliance with obligations relating to technical inspection, or even stopping on the central lane of the highway…