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Real estate credit: these tips that can help you buy a home


Highlights: Real estate credit: these tips that can help you buy a home. The amount required reaches on average between 60,000 and 70,000 euros, an increase of 20 to 25%, in one year. To help you complete your financing, solutions, sometimes unexpected, exist. This article is reserved for subscribers. You have 88% left to discover. Flash sale €4.49/month for 12 months I ENJOY IT Already subscribed? Log in. THE ECO + - The drop in credit rates is not always enough.

THE ECO + - The drop in credit rates, which has been in place for several months, is not always enough to obtain a property loan. The personal contributions required remain high. What are the solutions to make your project a reality? Le Figaro gives you its advice.

Real estate is a slow-moving tanker.

» This maritime metaphor introduced by Michel Mouillart, a renowned real estate specialist, suits perfectly the situation borrowers are currently experiencing.

They hear that prices and credit rates are falling, and yet some still struggle to access property.

In question, rates which nevertheless remain high - they are currently around 4% over 25 years, after having reached a peak of 4.4% at the end of last year - and a necessary personal contribution which has increased from around ten at around twenty percent.

The amount required reaches on average between 60,000 and 70,000 euros, an increase of 20 to 25%, in one year.

To help you complete your financing, solutions, sometimes unexpected, exist.

Le Figaro

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Source: lefigaro

All business articles on 2024-03-02

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