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Thierry Marx: “France is not doing enough to ensure the future of its tourism”


Highlights: Thierry Marx: “France is not doing enough to ensure the future of its tourism” The confederal president of Umih, the leading union of hoteliers and restaurateurs in France, deplores the lack of recognition of an industry which supports 2 million people. He believes that tourism must reform to be up to the digital and environmental. The Olympics will highlight France and its tourist attractiveness with a lasting effect, boosting reservations even after the events. It creates economic value… This article is reserved for subscribers. You have 82% left to discover.

INTERVIEW - The confederal president of Umih, the leading union of hoteliers and restaurateurs in France, deplores the lack of recognition of an industry which supports 2 million people.

He is one of the most prestigious French chefs.

Now at the head of the first professional organization in the hotel and catering industry, Umih (Union of hotel trades and industries), Thierry Marx believes that tourism must reform to be up to the digital and environmental.


- With the

80th anniversary of the Normandy landings

, the

Olympic Games (OG)

and the

reopening of Notre-Dame de Paris

, will 2024 be, to use Emmanuel Macron's expression, a “year of French pride” for the tourism?



The indicators are green.

The Olympics will highlight France and its tourist attractiveness with a lasting effect, boosting reservations even after the events.

I read that tourism has no value or is not an industry, even though it represents 8% of GDP and employs 2 million people, half of them in hotels and restaurants.

It creates economic value…

This article is reserved for subscribers.

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Source: lefigaro

All business articles on 2024-03-02

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