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Finally greener investments? Five questions on ISR reform


Highlights: So-called “SRI” (socially responsible investment) offers have multiplied. Reform of this label came into force on March 1. Nearly 1,200 funds (out of 12,000 marketed in France) display the acronym. But Bercy has been widely criticized for his lax approach to climate change.. Oil companies will no longer be able to appear in “social investments” . You can't miss them if you've been looking to invest your money lately.

The reform of this label came into force on March 1. Oil companies will no longer be able to appear in “social investments”

You can't miss them if you've been looking to invest your money lately.

So-called “SRI” (socially responsible investment) offers have multiplied, particularly in life insurance or PER (retirement savings plans).

This label created in 2016 by the Ministry of the Economy aims to guide savers towards virtuous investments in terms of sustainable development.

Nearly 1,200 funds (out of 12,000 marketed in France), representing 779 billion euros in assets, today display the famous three-letter acronym.

But he was widely criticized for his lax approach to climate change.

Bercy has just strengthened it with a reform that came into force on March 1.


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Source: leparis

All business articles on 2024-03-05

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