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"Release Jewish terrorists and not Arabs", "What's the difference?!": the on-air confrontation between Berkovic and Lucy Ahrish - voila! culture


Highlights: "Release Jewish terrorists and not Arabs", "What's the difference?!": the on-air confrontation between Berkovic and Lucy Ahrish - voila! culture. The issue of releasing the administrative detainees from the prisons in order to free up space ignited a confrontation on the Friday edition broadcast on News 13. "I think Ben Gavir is right," Berkovich said. "You release terrorists and leave Jews in prison? If you want to release 40-50 detainees, it is better to release Jews and not Arab."

During the Friday edition, a confrontation was recorded between Eyal Berkovich and Lucy Aharish over the issue of releasing administrative detainees in order to make room in the prison

Eyal Berkovitch observes a minute of silence in memory of Israeli democracy/from "Ofira and Berkovitch", Keshet 12, February 24, 2023

The issue of releasing the administrative detainees from the prisons in order to free up space ignited a confrontation on the Friday edition broadcast on News 13 between the panelists Eyal Berkovich and Lucy Ahrish.

"I think Ben Gavir is right," Berkovich said.

"You release terrorists and leave Jews in prison? If you want to release 40-50 detainees, it is better to release Jews and not Arabs."

At this point, Lucy Aharish intervened and asked: "Why, a terrorist is not a terrorist?".

Berkovic answered: "A terrorist is a terrorist."

Ahrish continued: "So what is the difference between freeing an Arab terrorist and a Jewish terrorist?", to which Berkovic replied: "What do you mean? A Jew is a Jew and an Arab is an Arab."

"I didn't understand," Lucy Ahrish challenged him and Barko explained: "An Arab terrorist who wants to murder us - the Jews - should not be released."

Ahrish continued and asked: "And a Jewish terrorist who wants to murder Arabs - should he be released?"

Barko replied: "Yes, before the Arabs."

Ahrish answered: "What kind of thing is this? A terrorist is a terrorist."

Watch the confrontation between Arish and Berkovich:


This week it was announced that the person who will replace Eyal Berkovich as Ofira Assig's partner in the show on Friday at 18:00 on Bequest 12 is the journalist Haim Levinson.

About three weeks ago, Berkovic was interviewed by Netali Shem Tov on his new home channel - Network 13. The presenter and former soccer player shared, among other things, the background to the decline of the "Ofira and Berkovic" program that was broadcast on Beshet 12 and the reason for his move to the competing channel.

The program went down shortly before the war due to vacations, and did not return to it following the war and the transformation of Keshet into a channel that broadcasts only news all day.

"Ofira and I have been together for 18 years, of which we fought for eight years. Serious," said Berkovich.

"There is constant friction between us, you know, like a married man and woman. Many, make up. I fought with her many times before and I didn't leave the program. I left the program because I had enough, I really had enough. Now Ophir, it's another story. I won't say We didn't fight. We fought. There was a crazy explosion. There were SMSes between us. She wanted to go up, I didn't want to go up, she was angry, I wasn't angry. So I told her: 'Go up with someone else. Everything is fine, go up, what The problem?'. Now, they keep saying to me, 'What, are you offended that she went up with other people?' and a half, and then suddenly she sent me some kind of message, so I wrote her a harsh message back, and she came back to me, and in the messages, there was an explosion. We fought and I decided that I would no longer return to this show. I received an offer from a network - and I moved."

"Even today we don't talk," added Berkovic.

"But if I see her on the street, I hug her. Great Ophira. Really, I don't have a single bad word to say about Ophira."

Netali Shem Tov asked him: "Then why don't you call her?" She blocked me.

Very simple," Berkovic said.

  • More on the same topic:

  • Eyal Berkovich

  • Ofira Assig

  • Ofira and Berkovich

Source: walla

All tech articles on 2024-03-01

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