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“A sound of a machine gun”: panic in the middle of a municipal council, an elected official is injured by jumping out of a window


Highlights: elected officials of Challes, a small town in Maine-et-Loire, were surprised by “the sounds of machine guns” in the middle of the municipal council. In a fit of panic, three councilors tried to flee the council room through the window. An elected official was seriously injured during the jump and is still hospitalized this Friday at the Le Mans hospital center (Sarthe) The authorities are continuing investigations to find the perpetrator(s) of this act.

A machine gun noise caused by firecrackers caused elected officials from Challes to panic this Thursday, February 29, who tried to flee the municipal council

A municipal council that goes wrong.

This Thursday, the elected officials of Challes, a small town in Maine-et-Loire, were surprised by “the sounds of machine guns” in the middle of the municipal council.

In a fit of panic, three councilors tried to flee the council room through the window, we learn in the columns of Maine Libre.

Although the room is located on the ground floor, an elected official was seriously injured during the jump and is still hospitalized this Friday at the Le Mans hospital center (Sarthe).

She suffered from several significant fractures.

“The first two (elected officials) managed to avoid the stairwell (

under the ground floor window

), but the third fell in the stairwell,” explains deputy mayor Yannick Livet, with our colleagues at France Bleu.

Firecrackers involved

According to the first elements of the gendarmerie investigation, the noise was due to firecrackers thrown at the door of the municipal council room, which was open since the law requires that municipal councils be held in public session.

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The authorities are continuing investigations to find the perpetrator(s) of this act.

All elected officials present filed a complaint.

Source: leparis

All tech articles on 2024-03-01

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