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Marseille drug dealers now banned from going to Hyères


Highlights: Marseille drug dealers now banned from going to Hyères. A prefectural decree prohibits residents of Bouches-du-Rhône who have already been convicted of drug-related offenses from “circulating on public roads” In 2023, assassinations linked to drug trafficking cost the lives of 49 people in Marseille, a record figure attributable to a “strategy of intimidation and terror” by traffickers, according to police headquarters in Marseilles. Two “clearance” operations notably led to the seizures of 75 kg of cannabis, 15 kg of cocaine and nearly 200,000 euros in cash.

A prefectural decree prohibits residents of Bouches-du-Rhône who have already been convicted of drug-related offenses from “circulating

Marseille drug dealers are now banned from staying in the seaside resort of Hyères (Var), since a prefectural decree taken on Tuesday to prevent “any takeover” of drug trafficking in the popular Val des Rougières district.

The decree specifically prohibits “all individuals residing in Bouches-du-Rhône and known to have criminal records relating to narcotics, from driving or parking on public roads” in Hyères “without legitimate reason”.

These “obstruction measures” aim to “dissuade drug traffickers from going to Val des Rougières”, a district targeted in recent months by anti-drug operations which have made it possible to “considerably destabilize established trafficking”, specified a press release from the Var prefecture.

Two “clearance” operations notably led to the seizures of 75 kg of cannabis, 15 kg of cocaine and nearly 200,000 euros in cash.

To enforce this decree, the Hyérois police officers will be “reinforced as necessary by police officers from Toulon and a canine brigade for the detection of weapons and narcotics”, we can also read in the press release.

“Allow a return to calm”

The objective stated by the prefecture and the prosecutor of Toulon, Samuel Finielz, is to “allow a return to calm within the Val des Rougières and guarantee security for residents and allow associations to resume their activities within this district” priority, continues the press release.

In 2023, assassinations linked to drug trafficking cost the lives of 49 people in Marseille, a record figure attributable to a “strategy of intimidation and terror” by traffickers, according to the police headquarters in Marseille.

Read alsoSettling of scores in Marseille: why does the prosecutor speak of “narchomicide”?

In the neighboring departments of Bouches-du-Rhône, violence linked to drug trafficking has recently worsened in Vaucluse, or even in Gard, where the drug war claimed the lives of a 10-year-old child this summer.

Source: leparis

All tech articles on 2024-03-01

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