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Ahmed Jaballah, an Islamist theologian threatened with expulsion, leaves France and joins Tunisia


Highlights: Ahmed Jaballah, an Islamist theologian threatened with expulsion, leaves France and joins Tunisia. This departure comes a week after the expulsion of an imam from Bagnols-sur-Cèze (Gard), Mahjoub Mahjoubi. The Val-d'Oise prefecture accuses Ahmed Jaballah of his irregular situation in France and of disturbances to public order. The French authorities have also decided to take an administrative ban on the territory so that he cannot return to France.

This departure comes a week after the expulsion of an imam from Bagnols-sur-Cèze (Gard), Mahjoub Mahjoubi.

He was under threat of an expulsion order from the government.

A Tunisian theologian, Ahmed Jaballah, left French territory on his own initiative, we learned on Saturday from the Ministry of the Interior, confirming information from Europe 1.

Dean of the European Institute of Human Sciences (IESH) of Paris-Saint-Ouen, the former president of the Union of Islamic Organizations of France (UOIF, now Muslims of France), from the Muslim Brotherhood, made the subject since January 30 to an obligation to leave French territory (OQTF).

The Muslim Brotherhood organization was born in Egypt, where it is considered “terrorist”.

Territorial ban

The Val-d'Oise prefecture accuses Ahmed Jaballah of his irregular situation in France and of disturbances to public order.

According to Europe 1, the French authorities have also decided to take an administrative ban on the territory so that he cannot return to France.

Contacted by AFP, Ahmed Jaballah could not be immediately reached.

As we revealed, the Bobigny public prosecutor's office opened a preliminary investigation in 2020 into "the methods of financing the activities" of the IESH, a private higher establishment responsible, in particular, for training imams.

Also read: In Saint-Denis, the “school of imams” in the sights of justice

The departure of Ahmed Jaballah for Tunisia comes a week after the expulsion of an imam from Bagnols-sur-Cèze (Gard), Mahjoub Mahjoubi.

Having lived in France since the mid-1980s, he was in the crosshairs of Gérald Darmanin, who a few days before his expulsion had requested the withdrawal of his residence permit, accusing him of calls for hatred targeting women and the Jews during his sermons.

The Minister of the Interior also criticized him for broadcasting a video in which he described the “tricolor flag” – without specifying whether it was the French flag – as a “satanic flag” which would have “no value with of Allah” (God in Arabic).

Read alsoMahjoub Mahjoubi affair: standoff in court over the expulsion of the imam

The imam defended himself by evoking a "slip of the tongue", explaining that he was in reality denouncing the rivalries between supporters of Maghreb countries during the recent African Cup of Nations (CAN) football.

Source: leparis

All tech articles on 2024-03-02

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