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Aston Martin is postponing the introduction of electric sports cars due to low demand


Highlights: Aston Martin is postponing the introduction of electric sports cars due to low demand. In January, new registrations of electric cars fell significantly compared to the previous month. Aston Martin Chairman Lawrence Stroll said demand was not as high as had been imagined two years ago. The Aston Martin Valhalla is the British brand's first plug-in hybrid and is scheduled to come onto the market in 2024. A purely electric super sports car, however, has been postponed to 2026. The Valhalla should travel 15 kilometers purely electrically, and the top electric speed is 130 km/h.

As of: March 2, 2024, 8:18 a.m

By: Sebastian Oppenheimer




Aston Martin is postponing the market launch of its first electric car.

The demand is too low.

And apparently Stromer is not emotional enough for many of the brand's customers.

At least in Germany, the e-mobility boom appears to have stopped for the time being.

In January, new registrations of electric cars fell significantly compared to the previous month.

And both the

Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA)

and the

Central Association of the German Motor Vehicle Industry (ZDK)

expect a decline in incoming orders and sales figures for electric cars in 2024.

And even among luxury manufacturers such as the British brand Aston Martin, the reluctance of electric car buyers seems to be noticeable.

The British have therefore postponed the market launch for their electric super sports car.

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2026 instead of 2025: Electric super sports car comes later due to lack of demand

According to the


news agency , Aston Martin has initially postponed the launch of its first electric car by a year: from 2025 to 2026. However, according to a report in the

Daily Mail

, this is clearly not because the development of the car is not progressing fast enough, but because the According to the report, Aston Martin Chairman Lawrence Stroll said demand was not as high as had been imagined two years ago.

The Aston Martin Valhalla is the British brand's first plug-in hybrid and is scheduled to come onto the market in 2024.

A purely electric super sports car, however, has been postponed to 2026.

© Aston Martin

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Stroll says there is currently much greater demand for plug-in hybrids because people “want some level of electrification, but still have the smell, feel and sound of a sports car.”

It had just become known that Apple had finally pulled the plug on its electric car - and Mercedes also apparently wants to build combustion engines for longer than originally planned.

Plug-in hybrid Aston Martin Valhalla is scheduled to launch later this year

It's fitting that Aston Martin wants to deliver the Valhalla plug-in hybrid super sports car, which was introduced in 2021, this year.

In combination with the electric motor and V8, the car delivers a whopping 1,012 hp and, according to the manufacturer, reaches a top speed of 335 km/h; the sprint from 0 to 100 km/h can be achieved in just 2.5 seconds.

The Valhalla should travel 15 kilometers purely electrically, and the top electric speed is 130 km/h.

Source: merkur

All tech articles on 2024-03-02

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