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Doubs: a father stabbed to death, his son taken into police custody


Highlights: Doubs: a father stabbed to death, his son taken into police custody. The victim's son, who fled after the altercation, was taken into custody. A 62-year-old man was found dead this Saturday in the small village of Appenans (Doubs), fatally injured by several blows from a bladed weapon. The son fled before being arrested The arrival of emergency services on site does not prevent death. An autopsy should provide more information on the underlying facts of this sordid affair.

The victim's son, who fled after the altercation, was taken into custody.

A family tragedy shakes a small Doubsian town.

A 62-year-old man was found dead this Saturday in the small village of Appenans (Doubs), fatally injured by several blows from a bladed weapon, report our colleagues from the Est Républicain.

According to the first elements of the investigation, an altercation broke out at the end of the morning.

The sixty-year-old then confided in a neighbor, talking about the violence that his son, with whom he lived, had just subjected him to.

Then he returns to his home, more precisely to his wood sculpture workshop.

Shortly after, the neighbor again saw the sixty-year-old in the street, struggling to walk, suffocating, his chest covered in blood.

The son fled before being arrested

The arrival of emergency services on site does not prevent death.

The victim manages to stammer a few words before losing consciousness.

“His death was noted at 3:15 p.m.,” indicates the Montbéliard prosecutor, Paul-Edouard Lallois, to the local daily.

Immediately contacted, the gendarmes tried to find the trace of the victim's son, who fled.

The latter was finally arrested before 3 p.m., a quarter of an hour before his father's death.

The man under 30, already known to the police for drug use, was placed in police custody.

A bloody utensil was also found by the police.

An autopsy should provide more information on the underlying facts of this sordid affair.

“We will have to see more clearly this Sunday,” confirms the prosecutor to the local media.

Source: leparis

All tech articles on 2024-03-02

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