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Hautes-Pyrénées: a man dies after a fight outside a nightclub, three individuals arrested


Highlights: Hautes-Pyrénées: a man dies after a fight outside a nightclub, three individuals arrested. Three individuals from Charente-Maritime were taken into police custody. A 49-year-old man died following a disco brawl in Saint-Lary-Soulan. The origin of the fight remains unclear for the moment. Based on video surveillance images and testimonies collected by the gendarmes, it appears that the victim, drunk at the time of the incident, was bothering young vacationers.

Three individuals from Charente-Maritime were taken into police custody after a fifty-year-old died following a disco brawl

A simple nightclub altercation that goes wrong.

A 49-year-old man lost his life this Saturday, after a brawl broke out outside a nightclub in Saint-Lary-Soulan (Hautes-Pyrénées).

Three individuals from Charente-Maritime were arrested, report our colleagues from La Dépêche.

The victim, who lived in a neighboring village, was taken care of by the firefighters then the Samu.

Transported to hospital in critical condition, this father succumbed to his injuries late in the afternoon.

Analysis of video surveillance images

Although we know that the man was hit by several individuals, the origin of the fight remains unclear for the moment.

Based on video surveillance images and testimonies collected by the gendarmes, it appears that the victim, drunk at the time of the incident, was bothering young vacationers during the evening.

Elements confirmed by the prosecution.

“The man was hit by three of these vacationers, from Charente-Maritime.

These individuals were placed in police custody,” he told the regional daily, specifying that other people could be implicated in this sordid affair.

Source: leparis

All tech articles on 2024-03-02

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