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James Webb Telescope reveals how massive stars shape planetary systems


Highlights: James Webb Telescope reveals how massive stars shape planetary systems. By examining the Orion Nebula, researchers were able to observe how stars shape planets. On clear days and dark nights, it stands out from the firmament. The Orion Nebula is above all the nursery of stars closest to us, an open-air maternity ward. After pointing the James Webb space telescope towards it in 2022, it now allows us to perfect our knowledge of cosmic geneses. Subscribe Already subscribed? To log in, click here.

By examining the Orion Nebula, one of the most beautiful objects in the sky visible to the naked eye, researchers were able to observe how stars

On clear days and dark nights, it stands out from the firmament: the Orion Nebula, named after this hunter from Greek mythology.

Under the belt of the legendary giant (an alignment of three stars, unmissable, even in Paris), it is a stain, but what a stain!

When we laymen remain speechless with admiration in front of an unexpected object, experts can read how Earths and suns are made, like from coffee grounds.

Indistinct outlines and reddish hues for those who have the right binoculars, the Orion Nebula is above all the nursery of stars closest to us, an open-air maternity ward.

After pointing the James Webb space telescope towards it in 2022, it now allows us to perfect our knowledge of cosmic geneses.


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Source: leparis

All tech articles on 2024-03-02

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