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Loire-Atlantique: arrest of a former Amazon deliveryman suspected of around fifty burglaries without a break-in


Highlights: A 59-year-old man, a former Amazon deliveryman, was arrested this Tuesday in Rezé (Loire-Atlantique) Suspected of having committed 52 burglaries without a break-in. Two other people suspected of receiving stolen goods were also arrested. The three individuals will be tried in immediate appearance next Monday. Resale of computer equipment, musical instruments and even fine wines were notably stolen. 21,000 euros in cash were seized from the second accomplice. More than 200 items were found at the two homes.

During his hearing, the fifty-year-old admitted two to three burglaries per week over the last ten months. He stole material

At night, he broke into his victims' homes who had not locked their doors.

A 59-year-old man, a former Amazon deliveryman, was arrested this Tuesday in Rezé (Loire-Atlantique), suspected of having committed 52 burglaries without a break-in, according to our colleagues from Presse Océan, citing the public prosecutor.

Two other people suspected of receiving stolen goods were also arrested, including the partner of the fifty-year-old.

According to the Nantes prosecutor, Renaud Gaudeul, cited by the local media, an upsurge in this practice of latch theft has been noted since the summer of 2023 in the Nantes metropolitan area.

The man, who knew the streets perfectly from his former job as a deliveryman for Amazon, had a well-established modus operandi: he entered homes in socks so as not to alert his victims, and stole objects near the entrance. .

Resale of computer equipment

Multimedia equipment, musical instruments and even fine wines were notably stolen.

After the first misdeeds in Saint-Herblain, the man extended his nocturnal outings to the communes of Sainte-Luce and Thouaré-sur-Loire.

The police and the gendarmerie jointly carried out the investigation, after deducing that suspicions converged on the same individual whose vehicle they had identified.

Through surveillance and shadowing operations, the noose tightens around the fifty-year-old.

Two other suspects are then identified: the criminal's partner, aged 69, was filmed purchasing pastries using a stolen bank card using contactless payment;

the second accomplice, a man living in Nantes and aged 46, is suspected of having resold the multimedia equipment.

Also read Stars robbed: Kamel, the “foreman” suspected of recruiting young thieves in the neighborhoods

During the two arrests carried out simultaneously, 21,000 euros in cash were seized from the second accomplice.

In total, more than 200 items were found at the two homes.

All three were taken into custody.

According to Presse Océan, the former delivery man admitted during his hearing to two to three burglaries per week over the last ten months.

The three individuals will be tried in immediate appearance next Monday.

Source: leparis

All tech articles on 2024-03-02

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