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New car labeling from May – what it means for drivers


Highlights: New car labeling from May – what it means for drivers. As of: March 2, 2024, 11:42 a.m By: Laura Hindelang CommentsPressSplit More detailed car labeling for new cars will soon become mandatory. This is intended to help interested parties obtain better information before buying a car. From May 1st, car dealers and manufacturers will have to attach a more detailed label to all new cars. The labeling is intended, among other things, to provide buyers with better information about the cars' consumption and emissions.

As of: March 2, 2024, 11:42 a.m

By: Laura Hindelang




More detailed car labeling for new cars will soon become mandatory.

This is intended to help interested parties obtain better information before buying a car.

From May 1st, car dealers and manufacturers will have to attach a more detailed label to all new cars.

The labeling is intended, among other things, to provide buyers with better information about the cars' consumption and emissions.

The extensive information is intended to create more transparency and help drivers to estimate the subsequent costs of their purchase decision.

Expanded car labeling for cars should reflect real driving conditions

The so-called amended Passenger Car Energy Consumption Labeling Ordinance (Pkw-EnVKV) came into force on February 23rd, and labeling will be mandatory from May.

With the amendment, Germany is implementing the European requirements for labeling vehicles when purchasing a car.

Essentially, it is about the test measurement procedure for determining the consumption and emissions data of passenger cars: The “New European Driving Cycle” (NEDC) has been replaced by the “Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure” (WLTP procedure).

With the new car labeling, drivers should be able to obtain more detailed information before purchasing.

© Westend61/Imago

According to the German Energy Agency,

this laboratory measurement technology reflects

real driving conditions much better than previous methods, for example by testing cars at higher speeds and over longer distances.

Until now, WLTP values ​​were not shown on the car label, which is now changing.

This should make it possible to estimate the expected consumption and fuel costs much more accurately before purchasing.

Additional information on the new car label

In this context, the

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection

said it decided to “significantly increase transparency and information for consumers”.

Therefore, in addition to general vehicle data and information on energy consumption, the car label also contains a range of additional information:

  • Color-coded

    CO₂ classes

    are intended to show at a glance how many CO₂ emissions a car emits compared to alternative models.

    The emission classes are based on the absolute CO₂ emissions; the weight of the car no longer plays a role.

  • Annual

    energy costs

    with a mileage of 15,000 kilometers.

  • The current

    vehicle tax

    to be paid .

  • The possible

    CO₂ costs

    over the next ten years.

Because the CO₂ costs depend on the fluctuating CO₂ price, the ministry has come up with three possible scenarios for price development.


Heise Online

reports, every new car will in future be accompanied by a list of the costs the owner will incur in the next ten years if the CO₂ price increases low, average or more than currently assumed.

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In addition, each type of drive has its own label.

According to the revised regulation in Germany, there will be five different versions of the label, according to the


Energy Agency

  • Vehicles using liquid fuels such as diesel and gasoline

  • Natural gas cars

  • Car with plug-in hybrid drive

  • Electric cars

  • Fuel cell vehicles

This is intended to provide more specific information for each vehicle type.

For fully electric cars and plug-in hybrids, for example, the power consumption and electric range are specified.

“The improved labeling brings more transparency when buying cars,” said Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck to the German Press Agency.

The new label enables an informed purchasing decision that protects the climate and protects your wallet.

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The regulation requires dealers to clearly display the car label on all new cars displayed and for sale.

This means that interested parties should be able to get an idea of ​​all the important information before making a purchase.

Labeling is currently voluntary for used car dealers.

Source: merkur

All tech articles on 2024-03-02

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