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VIDEO. Spain: police crackdown on vast network of counterfeit 100 euro notes


Highlights: 14 people arrested in connection with a network of counterfeit 100 euro notes. The notes were printed in Italy, France, Spain and Italy. Police say the notes bypassed payment machines and were of very high quality. The operation began last November after a large number of notes were found. The suspects have been arrested in Barcelona, Rome and Greece. The case is being investigated by the National Police of Spain and the National Court of Justice of the Republic of Italy. For confidential support call the Samaritans in the UK on 08457 90 90 90, visit a local Samaritans branch or click here for details.

14 people were arrested in connection with a case of counterfeit banknotes, described as “very high quality” by the Spanish police.

Spanish police announced the arrest this Saturday of 14 people in Barcelona, ​​Rome and Naples, suspected of being involved in a vast affair of counterfeit 100 euro notes.

“The organization would have manufactured and introduced one million euros into the economic circuit, distributed mainly in Italy, France, Greece and Spain,” explained a spokesperson for the Spanish National Police.

Read alsoFake euro notes: seizures on the rise in 2022

“The clandestine printing press which was dismantled operated in Naples, then in Rome, and produced very high quality bank notes, even bypassing most payment machines.”

This police operation involving Spanish, Italian and Greek law enforcement agencies began last November after the discovery of a large number of counterfeit 100 euro notes in Barcelona.

Source: leparis

All tech articles on 2024-03-02

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