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VIDEO. United States: suspended in the air, the driver of an accident truck saved at the last minute


Highlights: After an accident on a bridge, the driver of a truck was saved by firefighters while her vehicle was partially in the void. One of them abseiled, hanging on the truck's ladder, used as a crane, to pick up the driver, tie her up and bring her back up to safety. The rescue lasted approximately forty minutes. The driver of the truck is safe but was taken to hospital as a precaution. The image is spectacular, the rescue perilous, but the ending happy.

In Louisville (United States), after an accident on a bridge, the driver of a truck was saved by firefighters while her vehicle was

The image is spectacular, the rescue perilous, but the ending happy.

After an accident involving several vehicles, a truck found itself partially in the void this Friday on a bridge in Louisville, Kentucky (United States).

The driver of the semi-trailer, stuck in her cabin, was saved by the city's firefighters.

Also readVIDEO.

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One of them abseiled, hanging on the truck's ladder, used as a crane, to pick up the driver, tie her up and bring her back up to safety.

“I wasn't nervous at all going over the edge because I knew they had me up there.

Once I reached the driver, she remained very calm and helped me do what I needed to do to get her to safety.

Everything went well (…), the hero of the day, Bryce Carden, explained to the local media.

The rescue lasted approximately forty minutes.

The driver of the truck is safe but was taken to hospital as a precaution.

Source: leparis

All tech articles on 2024-03-02

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