The Limited Times

Rouhani: Washington's pressure on Iran has backfired

10/2/2019, 8:35:16 AM

TEHRAN - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said US pressure on his country has backfired as Taiz


Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that the American pressure on his country has been counterproductive as Iran has strengthened its position and weight in the world, pointing out that the measures taken by Iran to respond would change the US domestic policies as well.

"If we did not show our military capabilities to the world, we would not have that place now," Rowhani said at the Iranian cabinet meeting, noting that US President Donald Trump was sending special messages that he was willing to negotiate but was announcing in the media the opposite.

Rouhani said that "the US president announced the doubling of pressure at a time when some countries were making efforts to hold negotiations," adding that "my short visit to New York included several meetings in which we explained to everyone that we do not escape the negotiations."

"The road has not been closed yet. Europe and others are still presenting their proposals and we are ready to do everything for the benefit of our people," he said.

Rouhani pointed out that some want to throw accusations against Iran and attribute chaos to them, but who is behind the chaos in the region is the one who launched the war on Yemen, stressing that Tehran always stands with the resistance and militants against global terrorism.

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