The Limited Times

Hasakeh .. Marketing 1750 tons of cotton crop to the cotton gins of the Corporation

10/15/2019, 11:44:24 AM

Al-Hasakah-Sana The quantities of cotton marketed from the farmers of Al-Hasakah governorate for the benefit of the cotton gins


The quantities of cotton marketed from farmers in Al-Hasakah governorate for the gins of the General Organization for Cotton have reached 750 tons since the beginning of marketing operations last week.

The director of Al-Hasakah grocery, Eng. Mahmoud Al-Eisha told SANA that 70 cargo trucks transported cotton produced in Al-Hasakah to the receiving centers of the General Organization for Cotton in the Central Region, where cotton carriers are provided with papers proving that cotton is produced in Al-Hasakah governorate and transported through its administrative borders.

For his part, the head of the Plant Production Department at the Agriculture Directorate, Eng. Jalal Bilal, said that the quantities of cotton produced in the governorate to date amounted to seven thousand and seven hundred tons of the harvested area of ​​two thousand and two hundred hectares, out of the total cultivated area of ​​three thousand and seventy five hectares distributed in various. Throughout the province.

The Directorate of Agriculture has estimated the production of twelve thousand tons of cotton from the total area planted with the crop.

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