The Limited Times

Invasion of Syria: GroKo politicians discuss sanctions against Turkey

10/15/2019, 5:17:30 PM

The Turkish offensive in northern Syria continues. What can the German government do? SPD foreign expert Nils Schmid is in favor of joint action by the EU and the US - the CDU is at odds.

For German foreign policy, the invasion of the Turkish army in northern Syria is a challenge. The action was condemned by Berlin as well as the European partners, first measures were taken, so new German weapons permits for Ankara are currently excluded for such weapons, which could be used in Syria.

Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) tries the diplomatic balancing act: He wants to stay in dialogue with Turkey "in order to be able to influence them". At the EU foreign ministers' meeting in Luxembourg, however, he did not exclude further measures if this did not succeed.

But what could that be?

The foreign policy spokesman of the SPD faction, Nils Schmid, can imagine steps against individual politicians from Turkey - for example in the form of entry restrictions. However, it is not yet ready to speak. Schmid on Tuesday warned the SPIEGEL for such a case, a common approach: "The EU should vote with the US for personal sanctions."

Consequences in the NATO Alliance?

Meanwhile, the military advance of the Turkish army continues. In view of this situation, NATO could also increase the diplomatic pressure on its member Turkey from the point of view of the SPD politician. Also Chancellor Angela Merkel went on Tuesday in a similar direction - the intervention of Turkey must also be discussed in NATO. However, the CDU politician did not comment on possible consequences within the alliance.

SPD foreign expert Schmid in turn said that even before the next ordinary NATO Council of Ministers meeting "a special meeting of the Military Committee of NATO should be convened in order to reject the Turkish call for alliance solidarity and Turkey for their illegal behavior to talk to speech." The Military Committee is the highest military authority in the Alliance, develops strategic measures and advises the political organs of the Alliance. The incumbent is currently British Air Marshal Stuart Peach.

The NATO timetable looks - so far - like this: On 24 and 25 October, the defense ministers of the NATO countries come together in Brussels. US Defense Secretary Mark Esper has previously announced that at this gathering his allies will ask for "common and individual diplomatic and economic measures." The "unacceptable invasion" of Turkey "undermined" the international mission in the fight against the jihadist militia Islamic State (IS), said the US minister.

CDU foreign policy hardt criticized US policy

Once again, politicians of the Grand Coalition are irritated by the approach of US President Donald Trump, who had initially announced the withdrawal of some 1,000 American soldiers in northern Syria, which was later put into perspective by US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper do not give it a timetable.

In the past 24 hours, Trump made the next U-turn when he raised punitive tariffs on steel imports from Turkey back to 50 percent on Monday for "Turkey's destabilizing actions in northeastern Syria" and an immediate end to the telephone conversation with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan the offensive demanded.

Photo: Anas Alkharboutli / dpa

Syria, Tell Abiad: Soldiers of the Turkish-supported Syrian National Army.

In addition, the US Treasury Secretary of Defense Hulusi Akar, Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu and Energy Minister Fatih Dönmez on a blacklist. Possible US assets of the ministers can thus be frozen, transactions with them are prohibited. Also, the Turkish Ministry of Defense and the Department of Energy were sanctioned.

The foreign policy spokesman of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group, Jürgen Hardt, criticized the behavior of the US government. "The US action shows the extent of the resentment that President Trump has triggered with his hasty decision to withdraw troops, and it is not a reliable policy if the pendulum moves too quickly from one side to the other," he told SPIEGEL on Tuesday ,

However, what punitive measures of the EU, the CDU politician holds back. "I think nothing of sanctions Turkey is and will remain an important partner in NATO," said Hardt. "We need to address the Turkish offensive and its security implications in the NATO Council, and the EU must also influence Turkey," says Hardt. It was also correct that initially Germany had restricted arms exports, now further steps would have to be discussed.

The chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Bundestag, Norbert Röttgen (CDU), had previously spoken out in favor of a more far-reaching measure, the suspension of arms deliveries. "I think it is unavoidable to suspend arms sales to Turkey and not just not grant new permits," he told the SPIEGEL.

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