The Limited Times

Parliament postpones EU vote, Prime Minister Johnson refuses postponement request

10/19/2019, 4:40:38 PM

[London, 19th Reuters]-The House of Representatives voted 322 vs. 306 in favor of 322 to 306 on the 19th that Prime Minister Johnson agreed with the European Union (EU) to postpone until the relevant bill was passed Resolved

[London, 19th Reuters]-The House of Representatives voted 322 vs. 306 in favor of 322 to 306 on the 19th that Prime Minister Johnson agreed with the European Union (EU) to postpone until the relevant bill was passed Resolved.

This resolution means that the British Parliament will not be able to obtain approval during the same day for the new withdrawal plan that the Prime Minister has previously agreed with the EU. As a result, in accordance with legislation enacted in September, the Prime Minister must fulfill his obligation to request the EU in writing to extend the UK's withdrawal deadline beyond the originally scheduled October 31st.

However, after the resolution, the Prime Minister refused the obligation again and emphasized a hard attitude toward the withdrawal from the end of October. “I don't intend to negotiate postponement of withdrawal with the EU, nor will it be enforced by law,” he said in Congress. Regarding the withdrawal agreement with the EU, the Prime Minister said he would vote at the British Parliament on October 22.

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