The Limited Times

Venezuela's ambassador to Russia renews his country's solidarity with Syria

10/31/2019, 11:19:44 AM

MOSCOW, (SANA) - Venezuelan Ambassador to Moscow Carlos Rafael Variia Tortosa has reaffirmed his country's solidarity with the people and government


Venezuelan Ambassador to Moscow Carlos Rafael Tortilla renewed his country's solidarity with Syria and its support for the Syrian people in the face of conspiracies.

In an interview with a SANA correspondent in Moscow today, Ambassador Tortosa said: “In recent years, we have seen the atrocities and crimes committed in Syria by terrorists and their supporters, led by the United States and the loss of thousands of casualties as a result.” Against Venezuela and its people.

The Venezuelan ambassador praised the Syrian Army's heroism in the battles to liberate the Syrian territories from terrorist organizations such as ISIS and others with the support and support of the Russian allies, pointing out that the American arguments to justify their occupation of Syrian territory confirm their actual desire to stay in support of terrorists.

In a similar interview, Vladimir Rodin, a former deputy in the Russian State Duma, said that the US presence on Syrian soil is absolutely unacceptable because it came without the consent of its legitimate government and without any international legal grounds.

Rodin pointed out that the Americans make random decisions to withdraw from Syria and then be reversed on the pretext of oil fields, in continuation of their approach based on rape and theft of money resulting from the sale of this oil.

Rodin expressed his hope that politicians and representatives of world public opinion in all countries will realize the importance of emphasizing the withdrawal of all illegally existing forces from Syrian territory, pointing out that the entire international community should also unite efforts to help Syria in the process of rebuilding what terrorists have destroyed.

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