The Limited Times

Two Russian parliamentarians: The US presence in Syria is illegal and must be ended

11/15/2019, 1:40:53 PM

MOSCOW - The First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on International Relations of the Council of the Russian Federation Vladimir Jabbarov confirmed that the


Vladimir Jabbarov, First Deputy Chairman of the International Relations Committee of the Council of the Russian Federation, stressed that the US military presence in Syria is illegal and must therefore be terminated.

Jabbarov said in an interview with SANA correspondent in Moscow that US forces came to Syria without an invitation from the Syrian government and did not get the authorization of the UN Security Council, so its presence is illegal and Washington must listen to the demands of the countries of the world, primarily Syria and Russia to withdraw from Syrian territory and desist. About the occupation of the oil fields so that the Syrians themselves can act with their national wealth.

In a similar interview, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs of the Russian Federation Council Andrei Klimov said that American positions are at the core of the US political system.

The Russian senator pointed out that the Americans want to stay in the Middle East today to monitor the flow of oil currents and talk is not of course about the Syrian oil fields alone, which is part of the property of the Syrian people, pointing out that the US administration no longer cover up its aims or hiding behind the slogan of spreading democracy and human rights Humans have even openly admitted that they are interested in protecting and protecting oil.

Klimov stressed that Russia evaluates the US presence on Syrian soil by illegal occupation, as no one has invited them to Syria and Moscow considers that the Americans are looting Syrian oil from the first day of their presence there without bothering to justify it.

On the other hand, on the meetings between US President Donald Trump and the President of the Turkish regime Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Klimov said that Trump uses the policy of stick and carrot, threatening the Turkish regime and insulting him sometimes and offers him attractive deals at other times.

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