The Limited Times

Palestinian Foreign Ministry condemns the storming of the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron

11/23/2019, 5:46:59 PM

Occupied Jerusalem - SANA - The Palestinian Foreign Ministry condemned the storming of thousands of Israeli settlers by the Temple Mount

Occupied Jerusalem-Sana

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry condemned the storming of thousands of Israeli settlers in the West Bank city of Hebron, stressing that the US support for the Israeli occupation encouraged it to continue its violations against the Palestinians.

The Foreign Ministry said in a statement carried by Wafa news agency that the Israeli occupation forces and their settlers stormed the Tomb of the Patriarchs and their attacks on Palestinians and their property and prevented them from entering a new episode of the occupation plans aimed at controlling and Judaizing many historical, religious and archaeological sites in the West Bank.

The Foreign Ministry called on the UN organizations, especially UNESCO, to shoulder their responsibilities and press the occupation to stop its continuous incursions into the holy places.

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