The Limited Times

Red Cross concerned about dengue outbreak in Yemen

11/25/2019, 8:38:03 PM

New York - SANA - The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is concerned about reports of thousands of injuries

New York-Sana

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is concerned about reports of thousands of dengue cases in Yemen, which has been experiencing ongoing aggression and a cholera outbreak since 2015.

"There are reports that more than 3,500 people have been infected with dengue fever and 50 people in Hodeidah are believed to have died from the disease between late October and early this month," said Robert Mardini, head of the ICRC delegation. Of the 2,000 people infected with dengue fever in Hodeidah and about 3,000 others contracted malaria.

Dengue is transmitted mainly by mosquitoes breeding in stagnant water.

The Minister of Public Health and Population, Dr. Taha al-Mutawakel warned on the tenth of this month of the continued deterioration of the health situation in Yemen with the spread of epidemics in light of the continued Saudi aggression and the siege imposed on Yemeni cities and ports.

Since 2015, the people of Yemen have been subjected to unjust aggression and systematic destruction of infrastructure, including the health sector, which was targeted by the Saudi-led aggression coalition, which has left a disastrous situation.

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