The Limited Times

On the International Day of Solidarity with them .. Palestinians call for preventing the attempts of the occupation and Washington to liquidate their cause

11/28/2019, 1:20:06 PM

Occupied Jerusalem - SANA revives the world tomorrow

Occupied Jerusalem-Sana

Tomorrow, the world will celebrate the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, which was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1977 to affirm solidarity with the legitimate and inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, foremost of which is the right to self-determination and the establishment of an independent, sovereign state with Jerusalem as its capital.

This day is a reminder to the international community of the tragedy of the Palestinian people, which resulted from the transplantation of the Israeli entity on its land and the injustice it suffered as a result of the partition resolution and is still where the US administration and within its unlimited bias of occupation to seek to liquidate the Palestinian issue through the plot of the deal of the century The last chapter of the conspiracy was Washington's recent declaration on settlements in flagrant violation of all international legitimacy resolutions. This American support encouraged the occupation to continue its aggressions and crimes against Palestinians. The international position of the spectator about these crimes.

In a message marking the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres reaffirmed the UN's commitment to the rights of the Palestinian people, affirming that it will not budge in its commitment to the Palestinian people and is doing its utmost to realize its inalienable rights.

Guterres explained that the escalation of settlements and the demolition of Palestinian homes and the aggravation of suffering in the Gaza Strip must stop, stressing that the establishment of settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem, has no legal legitimacy and is a flagrant violation of international law as stated in the Security Council resolution. 2334 for 2016.

Guterres said that these actions portend the elimination of the feasibility of establishing a Palestinian state based on the relevant UN resolutions, pointing out that a just and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue will be achieved only through negotiations supported by the international community in which the established UN resolutions are adhered to. The long-established constants.

In a statement, the Palestinian National Council called on the international community to shoulder its responsibilities and implement international resolutions to end the Israeli occupation and enable the Palestinian people to self-determination and establish an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital. Palestinian people continue to struggle and cling to the land and rights and address the occupation.

Member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization Hanan Ashrawi stressed that the international community to remain silent on the crimes of the Israeli occupation and not to hold him accountable encourages him to continue its violations against the Palestinian people, pointing out that the serious stage of the Palestinian issue requires the international community to work to hold the Israeli officials responsible for their crimes and protect the rights of The Palestinian people are inalienable based on the laws and resolutions of international legitimacy.

Member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Wasel Abu-Yusuf pointed out that this year's Solidarity Day should remind the world of its legal responsibilities towards the Palestinian cause and work effectively to confront the crimes of occupation and Washington's resolutions that violate the rights of the Palestinian people. 1967.

Abu Yusuf stressed that the Israeli occupation, with US support, is implementing dangerous plans as it works to separate Palestinian cities and towns from settlements and the apartheid wall, and intends to seize the entire Jordan Valley and expand settlements, all of which is due to the failure of the international community to implement its resolutions, especially those of the Security Council.

Secretary-General of the Palestinian Initiative Mustafa Barghouthi called on the international community to implement the UN resolutions and support the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, pointing out that the Palestinian people are alone in facing the killings, ethnic cleansing and racial discrimination practiced by the occupation against him in light of the impunity of the occupation of impunity.

Barghouti stressed that global solidarity with the Palestinian people must come out of the circle of slogans and statements that are no longer useless and move to the stage of practical steps by boycotting the Israeli occupation and imposing sanctions on it to stop its crimes against the Palestinian people.

Mahmoud Khalaf, a member of the Central Committee of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, pointed out that World Solidarity Day should be an occasion for the United Nations to support the right of the Palestinian people to establish their independent state and support their right to self-determination, pointing out that international solidarity with the Palestinian people should be reflected in the recognition of Palestine as a complete state. Membership in the United Nations should not leave the Palestinian issue hostage to the US administration.

Member of the Political Bureau of the Palestinian People's Party Walid Al-Awad explained that the commemoration of World Solidarity Day is an important station to emphasize the centrality of the Palestinian cause and that the rights of the Palestinian people are still usurped and the need to provide support to the Palestinian people to achieve their freedom and establish their independent state. International legitimacy resolutions related to the Palestinian issue.

The United Nations declared that its endorsement of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People provides an opportunity for the international community to focus its attention on the fact that the Palestinian issue has not been resolved and that the Palestinian people have not yet attained their inalienable rights as defined by the United Nations, the right to self-determination without outside interference. The right to national independence and sovereignty and the right of Palestinians to return to their homes.

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