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The Daily Update: Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP

12/16/2019, 4:20:45 PM

Here you will find the most important news of the day, the most popular stories from SPIEGEL + and tips for your evening. The topic of the day: Scotland Guard - How Nicola Sturgeon wants to protect the Scots from Brexit The Scottish SNP ...

Here you will find the most important news of the day, the most popular stories from SPIEGEL + and tips for your evening.

The topic of the day: Scotland Guard - How Nicola Sturgeon wants to protect the Scots from Brexit

The Scottish SNP won last Thursday's parliamentary election in 48 of 59 Scottish constituencies. It holds an impressive 13 seats more in Westminster than before the election, and is the third strongest force behind the Conservatives and Labor.

The party and above all its leader Nicola Sturgeon could still be a problem for the conservatives. They want to leave the British Union, and the exit from the EU ordered by London provides them with new arguments. And the harder the Prime Minister's Brexit course gets, the more the separatists in the north grow stronger.

To Johnson, after the election, Sturgeon said of the required independence referendum: "This is not just a request that I or the SNP make. It is the right of the Scottish people. And you, as leader of a party beaten in Scotland, have no right to that to stand in the way. " Watch her speech in the video.

Andrew Milligan / DPA

Nicola Sturgeon after the big SNP victory: "The majority of Scots are against Brexit"

Who is the woman who is currently Johnson's greatest opponent in domestic politics? And what can it do? My colleague Kevin Hagen portrayed her after the election.

SPIEGEL already spoke to Sturgeon in the summer, and even then she was against Brexit, for Scotland's independence and a woman of clear words. As for Johnson, who was no longer Secretary of State and Prime Minister at the time, she said: "Boris Johnson has impressively demonstrated his incompetence." Worth reading, even afterwards: the interview.

The number of the day: 30

Exactly 30 years ago today, the first episode of the "Simpsons" was on television - first in the USA, two years later in Germany. The dysfunctional cartoon family from Springfield shaped a TV era - and gave the humor of many viewers a yellow tinge, writes our author Dirk Brichzi. A tribute.

20th Century Fox / Capital Pictures / ddp images

Five reliable characters in yellow

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News: What you need to know today

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  • French government pension officer resigns: The move is unlikely for the French government: in the midst of violent protests against the planned pension reform, the reform commissioner Jean-Paul Delevoye resigns from office.
  • CDU and Greens in Saxony-Anhalt trying to relax : The black-red-green coalition threatened a neo-Nazi scandal to break a CDU politician. Now the parties are approaching each other.
  • BVB meets ex-coach Tuchel, FC Bayern against Chelsea: The pairings for the Champions League round of 16 have been determined. For Thomas Tuchel, Paris Saint-Germain sees BVB again. Bayern meet Chelsea - like in 2012 at the lost "Finale Dahoam". A well-known duel awaits Pep Guardiola's Manchester City.

Opinion: The most discussed comments, interviews, essays

Break the cartel of doing nothing! In the face of the climate crisis, mankind seems unable to act effectively. A psychological phenomenon can explain this - and point the way to a solution, says cognitive psychologist Christian Stöcker. The column.

Defend yourself against the Scholz version! The financial transaction tax was originally intended to tame the stock markets. Our columnist Hermann-Josef Tenhagen thinks that the way finance minister Scholz wants to enforce it will only cause damage. What does that mean for you as a saver?

"Good night, dear comrades!": Wolfgang Kubicki has long believed that liberals and social democrats would go well together. He is all the more disappointed with the new SPD top staff - with one exception. My colleagues Christoph Schult and Severin Weiland met him for an interview.


Harald Schmidt's note to Deutsche Bahn: Sitting on the floor during long train journeys was not invented by Greta Thunberg. He did it 45 years ago. At that time it was called Interrail. The video column.

Stories: The most read texts at SPIEGEL +

Dieter Mayr / agency Focus

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DPA / picture alliance / DPA

The Sachsenwald was observed in 1982 after an unusual tip - with success

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My evening: The recommendations for your evening

Plan Christmas - more precisely: your Christmas presents. Then the coming week will definitely be more relaxed. My colleagues from the cultural department did the preliminary work and put together the best book tips for you.

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There is something for everyone - maybe also for yourself

No matter who you want to give as a present - you will definitely find it. There is something for read readers, Madeleine eaters, teenagers on the German advanced course, for everyone who knows how to pronounce DAZN and for cynics in the family and friends circle. Enjoy the suggestions.

I wish you a nice finishing time.


Isabella Reichert from the Daily team

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