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Immediately: Netanyahu will make a declaration regarding immunity - hours before the deadline for filing | Israel today

1/1/2020, 6:14:14 PM


Prime Minister Olmert convenes media, and is expected to announce submission of immunity request to Knesset Speaker • Following Netanyahu's remarks, Benny Gantz will respond to him in his own speech, in which he is expected to strongly attack the move • Live broadcast

  • An hour before the Deadline. Benjamin Netanyahu // Photo: Gideon Markovich

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will make a statement to the media in the next few minutes, in which he is expected to address the request for immunity in cases he is accused of. The prime minister is expected to announce that he has submitted a request for immunity to Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein.

Earlier today, Kobi Zurf, the head of Edelstein's faculty, rejected the request of a committee that regulates MK Avi Nissenkorn (blue-and-white) to convene his committee tomorrow, to discuss the establishment of the Knesset committee - a committee that should discuss possible immunity for Netanyahu.

Photo: Ami Shamir, Moshe Ben Simhon

In his letter, Goldsmith explained that Edelstein is currently abroad, and will return to Israel tomorrow, and because before the Knesset Committee's approval, he wants to talk to NissanKorn, in addition to Knesset Attorney General Ilan Yanun, he does not approve the conference at this time. Nissenkorn himself wanted the debate to take place today, but he did not pass the request to convene the committee to the Speaker of the Knesset - which was held during the deadlock - and therefore could not convene it.

The committee's request comes before the end of the day when Netanyahu can submit a request for immunity today to the Speaker of the Knesset, and the prime minister will exercise his right and submit this request. The estimates in white and blue are that if a Knesset committee is formed, the committee will reject Netanyahu's request. Immunity in light of opposition from left-wing parties to grant Netanyahu immunity, and the assessment that Israeli House Speaker Avigdor Lieberman will join these parties, and will order members of his party on a committee formed to vote against granting immunity to Netanyahu.

Blue and white attacked Adelstein's decision, calling it a "shameful attempt to prevent the Knesset from discussing Netanyahu's request for immunity." The party added that they "did not believe that the Speaker of the Knesset would take advantage of his state status to make the Knesset Israel a haven."

Despite the assumption that Netanyahu will file the request for immunity by the end of the day, during the day the prime minister is holding talks with his advisers and discussing whether to apply for any immunity at all, or whether to waive this request - because it will be used to his detriment during the upcoming election campaign. MK Mickey Zohar, among the main supporters of the request for immunity, told Israel Today: "The request for immunity is a personal matter of the PM and of course we will respect any decision that is made, I certainly believe that the right thing to do is to make the request. "From quiet work for the public without fear and without fear, it is time to stop the incessant persecution against him."

It should be noted that the Knesset was referring to the theoretical possibility of establishing Knesset committees during an election, saying that the Knesset may do so. "Even at this time, the Knesset has no legal obligation to establish the Knesset Committee, if the MKs consider the importance of discussing the request for immunity. A place to go beyond the usual practice in the Knesset and will form a majority for the establishment of a permanent Knesset committee already at this stage, I do not believe that there is any legal impediment to do so, "wrote Yinon in an opinion he submitted regarding the query on the matter.

The Court also stated in the opinion that "there is no disagreement with the establishment of the Knesset Committee on the obligation to discuss no delay in requesting for immunity to be submitted to it or placed on its desk."

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