The Limited Times

[Fatal car accident] A van collided with a colleague was knocked down by a male wounded: all the fans were shocked!

1/2/2020, 3:56:26 PM

A fatal accident occurred on Gao Hui Road in Yau Tong on Thursday (2nd). A 82-year-old master, Huang Jiaoche, drove a van to the upper site and suddenly lost control and crashed the water horse in the road center. Two passersby were hit and suspected to have passed One of them, a 53-year-old surname named Lin Nan, died of serious injuries after being sent to hospital, and the other 46-year-old surname Zheng Nan, suffered minor head and arm injuries. The male driver was arrested for dangerous driving that caused serious bodily harm to another person. The injured Mr. Zheng can be discharged after treatment, but recalling the incident, there are still lingering, "I am shocked!"


Written by: Lu Jiayu

2020-01-02 23:47

Last updated: 2020-01-02 23:50

A fatal accident occurred on Gao Hui Road in Yau Tong on Thursday (2nd). A 82-year-old master, Huang Jiaoche, drove a van to the upper site and suddenly lost control and crashed the water horse in the road center. Two passersby were hit and suspected to have passed One of them, a 53-year-old surname named Lin Nan, died of serious injuries after being sent to hospital, and the other 46-year-old surname Zheng Nan, suffered minor head and arm injuries. The male driver was arrested for dangerous driving that caused serious bodily harm to another person. The injured Mr. Zheng can be discharged after treatment, but recalling the incident, there are still lingering, "I am shocked!"

It is understood that the car teacher involved in the 80s is a personal trainer. He has been teaching cars in different areas for decades, and some people have said that the mechanical failure of the car body caused the accident. The right to industrial casualty will refer to the person who was killed or injured in the accident as a salesperson. At that time, he left the store near the incident and went to the subway station to meet customers. The Workers' Rights Association stated that the 53-year-old deceased was unmarried and living with his brother's family. The family's income mainly depends on the deceased and his brother. Since the brother has a wife and young children to take care of, it is difficult to pay funeral expenses, and the union assisted in applying for the fund. Unfortunately, the deceased was in an accident, and his family was very sad about it.

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The injured Mr. Zheng, who had bruised his forehead and arm, was about to leave the hospital after treatment in the evening. He frankly said, "I'm shocked by all the fan films!" He recalled that he had crossed the road with his colleagues at the time and had completely walked through The lane of the passenger truck was going to cross the sidewalk. I could not see the truck approaching from the rear. Unexpectedly, the truck would suddenly "turn around" and hit two people. At that time, Mr. Zheng only felt that there was a He was knocked down with a lot of impulse, "I was stunned at that time, and I lay down on my own." He later said that he stood up quickly, but felt dizzy, unconscious, and did not know that the van that had hit him Shovel on the sidewalk and slammed into the stone wall, only to see colleagues have lost consciousness and shed blood. Mr. Zheng said that his phone was lost after the collision, so he asked passers-by to call the police.

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