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"The Next Star": Nicki Goldstein Just Must Finish | Israel today

1/6/2020, 9:32:51 AM

The age at the next Eurovision Star has crossed the line

The age at the next Eurovision Star has crossed the line • In a season where the average age is 25, it is precisely the adult contender who can surprise, if only give him the chance to get there • Capish, Amdorsky? • Opinion

  • Nicki Goldstein in "The Next Star" // Screenshot

Four years ago, a young singer named Maor Gamliel, who sang about "Moshiko," one who "needs to get out of the closet," came to the "Next Star," and used a host of stereotypes that are gay. The song sparked a stir and complaints of homophobia flowed to the Second Authority. A year later producing "The Next Star" produced lessons. A young singer by the name of Shahar Tabuch who has been auditioned for the show, sings a love song to his ex. In a way, this was an amendment to "Moshiko." Now it's time for another fix on producing "The Next Star."

On repair standard. Dawn of Tabuch // screenshot

Try to remember - how many adult singers have qualified for the "Next Star" final in recent years? There was Ricky Ben Ari (today 52), there was also Maya Buscilla (42 years old). Remember more mature contestants? You can count them on one palm. In contrast, how many young contenders have reached the finals? Endless: Neta Barzilai, Margie, Kithriya, Kobi Marimi, Nadav Gadj, Hobi Starr, Emery Ziv, Diana Gulby, Chen Aharoni, Nofar Salman and many more youngsters received a particularly pampering stage in recent seasons of "The Next Star".

To be sure - all of the aforementioned contestants are very talented and some have become prominent voices in local pop music. But does that mean that only they reach the stage?

No one doubts the talents of the young artists, but at the same time one cannot ignore the fact that "The Next Star", especially in recent seasons, mainly glorifies them. At the same time, as a result, the veteran singers are pushed aside and enter the mature artist's quad quite quickly, the one who "fights against all odds." This title usually places them fourth in the best case and banal and syllabic farewell phrases like "we are the winner" in the cliché case.

Nicki Goldstein, 42, actor, stand-up comedian, comedian and singer, has entered the "adult artist" slot this season. Goldstein is a Eurovision fox and veteran: in 2011 he ran ahead and lost to Dana International and two years later tried his luck again, but lost again to Moran Mazor. He took a seven-year break and is now again trying his luck with a season when the average age is about 25. Yes, at 42 he is almost the old contestant (two only to Shahar Levi of "The Seasoning," which is three months older).

Not letting the blatant guile break his spirit. Nicki Goldstein in "The Next Star" // Screenshot

Beyond his immense and unquestionable talent as a musician, Goldstein admirably tackles the slate placed on him on the show. Time and again, Goldstein does not let the blatant gilts break his spirit. He takes the lemon, squeezes it, makes excellent lemonade and even adds a little umbrella to it.

Assaf Amdorsky's memorable statement in the fateful audition "It's a little bit of an age," Goldstein took a good breath and added a smile and a wink. His fight in the duel with Ella Lee Blade was also Pipayeye (that's how the young people say "laughing," huh? Amadorsky probably knows). Goldstein treated the age gap with humor and did not for a moment show signs of being offended by someone two-thirds smaller, which is of no significance - both are worthy contenders.

Not for our age? Asaf Amdorsky // screenshot, from "The Next Star"

It is precisely in a social and cultural climate that sanctifies everything that is new, Goldstein can surprise. He is talented, easy to like, and he laughs - a very useful feature when it comes to interviews with foreign media outlets. But most of all, Nicki Goldstein is an excellent singer. Is he the best? That more than Nikki and his talent and lowering the focus from his age - just the opposite of what this column did.

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